damien davis©2003
I have
written up these pages in order to let people know that the Jehovah's Witnesses are
"The House of Israel" by their own admission, so this make's them
fall under the judgement of same.
who, may you ask are the House of Israel?
where the people that the Lord of Israel, in the time of Moses brought
out from under the tight-fisted control of the their persecutor, Pharaoh
of Egypt.
they the watchtower are the House of Israel, due
to the fact they have taken their name from the prophet Isaiah, where the
God of Israel is Addressing his people as the House of Israel, then it stands to reason that they must be,
(the house of Israel) So, by taking their name from this book, they have
identified them-selves as (the house of Israel) and so, they must in these
times be judged by their God, as (the House of Israel)
have in the past identified them-selves with the Israelites, with statements
such as this one. "In three days in which pharaoh's host [army] pursued
the Israelites into the wilderness, the three years from 1917 to 1920 at which
time Pharaoh’s messengers will be swallowed up in the sea of angry humanity,
they say the wheels will come off their chariots. (Organisations. Page 258.
-The Finished Mystery.)
you can see there from this one statement, that they are in effect calling the
Americans and it's leader or President after the old King Pharaoh, so,
considering they are based in America, (Brooklyn) when they wrote this, they
mean to say that America is Egypt. So, they have to be saying that we
are moving right in to the time of the Prophet Ezekiel, when they call them
selves [the Israelites,] and the nation of America becomes the [final Egypt]
They are right to call themselves (The Israelites) for you cannot take the name
of the God of Israel, who is (Jehovah) and not be the Israelites.
the book Ezekiel, the house of Israel are judged in the final days for lying
in the divine name, so then, they must accept the Judgement handed out to them
through the Prophets, which say they have carried on the lie in the intimate group
of their people, as it clearly states in the Prophet Ezekiel, and just
like their fathers before them, they have fallen in love with the idols that
are before their faces.
what are they?
are the books that they love to Publish, in the book of Amos, 4 they are
nailed when the prophet says this Publish O' Israel and proclaim your voluntary
is what they do, they love to publish and they proclaim that they have been
built up legally by accepting voluntary donations, or free offerings, free
I have
given you a few links, just tap into them and the first one explains
why these people can be none other than (The house of Israel) So what I am
trying to say in my own clumsy way is that they are (The house of Israel) who
have lied in the name of their GOD, Jehovah, twice, in fact.1975 and 1925.
seems to me that it is time for the Witnesses of Israel to have the divine
name of GOD taken from them. If this has to be done in a court of law then
so be it, for they have profaned his name among the nations, the name
of their GOD. I do feel that it is my duty to see that this is seen
to in a most definite way.
It is
not possible for an organisation to take the divine name and make two
presumptions in that name and then carry them on in the intimate group
of their people; Gods people, for they are calling Jehovah a liar and
how can this be allowed?
it has to be brought to a court of law in order to prove beyond any shadow of a
doubt that they have lied and that they have absolutely no right to use the
divine name, then this is what should be done.
are mixed up in all kids of idolatry; with their printing houses, Bethel and
Gilead and even by using these two names they fall into the same judgement as
their forefathers. Do I make my self-clear?
love to publish, they are causing the deaths of their own
people, and I mean literally as well as spiritually.
When it is Spiritually, then it leads to a literal death.
There are many cases coming to the attention of the
public of sudden suicides by members of the Witnesses, and all because they are
confused and afraid and alone and in pain, and they don’t know why.
They are left wide open to the one they believe to be the
Devil and his attacks, because their pain causes them confusion and
then they leave without any kind of emotional support to help them recover
from their plight.
you have taken this in, and I hope it is not too much to take in, if it is
not then go to the other links, there you will find some more
will visit the altars of Bethel and the horns of the altars shall be cut
off and fall to the ground" say's the Lord Jehovah. [Amos 3/13] and also
[Amos 4/5]