List of contents


Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2


New York is in trouble


There is a resemblance of the City of New York to the old City of Tyre, or Tyrus.

Both City's where huge trading City's.

They both lay on the sea front, they where both built up by many people from the outside.

The GOD of Israel destroyed the firist City for it's Arrogance, and if the House of Israel is judged in the fina lthe same as Babylon the Great, they being the Jehovah's Witnesses, and the CATHOLIC religion of Catholicisim, then we must say that the nations will also be judged.

The God of Israel said he will offend the hearts of many people's  in this day.

The Kingdom of Tyre was moved by the God of Israel into this time, where it sets it self up as a wonderful city.

and if the House of Israel[ jehovahs witnesses] believe they are  the Israelites, and they say, from having inquired of scripture, that the nation of America is known as the final pharoah, then its reasonable to suggest that his proud city is Like the Old Tyre, NewYork City.'re

Even within it's spelling you get the name TYRE.

I can see NEW YORK falling into the sea, taken out by a King from Babylon, maybe a decendant of that King, a King from the area of the East or maybe the King of Babylon is infact the wicked one Satan him self will come in and destroy a proud city resembling Tyre". The House of Isreal, by relying on this city for its ecenomical wealth will suffer when the Great City falls.

With their main head quaters in Brooklyn.


The World will recieve the sign of Jonah, when the God of Israel gave an Warning, that if the city of Ninevah repented then it would not suffer the Judgement that Jehovah was going to bring on it. The City did repent and he did not bring the judgement.

I believe that the City is in grave danger due to the threat of terorisim in the new age.....this is the new age.

A headline that I came across this morning, "our leaders did not take heed of the gravity of the warning" the headline was speaking about 9/11 and the two towers been destroyed, According to the word of God, they will not take this Warning seriously either, and if I was wrong and I was made a fool of, then so be it, the God of Israel has the right, I believe to make a fool out of anyone he so chooses, this is my beliefe.

