Who are they?
Can you take the divine name and be separate from the house of
Because the prophets, such as Ezekiel, Daniel, Isaiah are speaking
of the future. When Isaiah speaks of the kingdom to come, which will be far from the end of days, the end of the earth, what
does he call Gods people?
He calls them the [house of Israel] a people for the divine name,
and when the prophet Ezekiel speaks of a battle that takes place at the end times between Jehovah and the armies of the nations,
he was speaking of the future way beyond his life time.
And in the war, the house of Israel according to the prophet Ezekiel
have again slipped into idolatry and lies, using the divine name, so right at this time they are failing again to keep “the
commands of God.”
How do I know?
Because the God of truth rebukes them for they have made his name a laughing stock
of his Name, they have made his Name a reproach among the nations.
You don’t have to look to far to see that the Jehovah’s
witnesses have made his sacred name a reproach among the nations, this you cannot do and get away with.
Not because I say so, it has nothing to do with me.
More vital questions.
Is it all right to lie in Gods name?
Definitely not.
When is a lie not a lie?
Simply when it is the truth……….
What is a lie?
An untruth
If you say something will come true in the future and it does
not come true, can it be called a lie or a presumption?
If a lie is carried on and profit by way of money is made by this
lie, can it be then called a lie?
Yes, because the group who made the presumption in the first place
did not stand down.
If the same institute or person said something again about the
future as fact, that something would happen and it does not, can this person or institute be held up as false, untrustworthy,
a liar, or/and presumptuous? And if that person says sorry for the presumption but still carries on making money, knowing
that what they had told was a lie? Can a God who cannot lie forgive them?
Yes he will forgive them but only when they decide to come back
to him by loosing their idols in front of their face’s Books/Temples e.t.c.This is what God asks them to do in the end,
give up your idols and come back to him.
If I said the earth was going to end at a certain date and time
and it did not, would I be a liar?
First of all in scripture it says that you should not presume
to know the seasons of the end times.
And if I carried on making money on the strength of that lie, saying that
it was all a mistake, that I just got the whole thing wrong, saying that I just thought