Spiritual side of me suffered for a time, it seemed as if my Spiritual side was gone, until I came across the House of
was about the fourth year of my relationship with Judy, My girl at the time.
happened to come across their tracts and said, "This is it this is where my GOD is.
A bad mistake,
considered because they where speaking for the God of Abraham that they had to have been speaking for the true GOD.
had to be the House of Israel.
within three to four weeks of being with them, I knew or I began to realise that something was terribly wrong, except that
I Could simply not put my finger on what was wrong.
thought occurred to me "These People are much to fond of their books, too their own detriment.
knew that it would not take this many books to get a simple matter across to the people.
first signal was basically when I met, or we met for the first time, My common law wife and my self and the Two Witnesses..........
guy said something to me in a way that bothered me.
was the way that he said it, after some small talk with the two witnesses, they said, so what do you want to know?
were rather strange, the way they said it, like they did not want time wasted at all, it's as if they were saying, don’t
waste it.
second signal was when he came back the week after with his wife, they were a nice couple, but it was a tense meeting, so
after a half hour maybe an hour they start to leave, and as they are going out the door, the guy said that he was looking
forward to the big assembly which was due to come up that weekend, he stated that he was starved of spiritual food, this I
thought rather strange.
asked me if I would like to go to the Assembly meeting.
did, and it lasted a good three hours.
fell asleep, it was the most Boring and unspiritual experience I have ever had, in my life.
was many people there, they seemed alright until this character came up who appeared a bit slow, it wasn't his fault, but
the guys who brought me there actually looked as if they were ashamed to have him there, and started to take the piss out
of him, which was rather cruel, you know.
was just a little different, that’s all.
was just a bad situation and Jude did not want to be there and I didn't know why but I did not want to be there either,
I felt strange, but yet a little excited to be getting all of this info.
spiritual food he had obviously meant all of those books they had, there were tons of books, an unbelievable amount.
was also a distinct air of pride about the books.
pictures inside told of their massive involvement with publishing and their complete passion for it.
stayed, believing that maybe it was half-truth.
didn't know about the two lies then.
a few nights of reading, something rather strange happened, as I was reading all of the books they gave me, I
suddenly felt sick and depressed, and I had not got a clue as to why.
wasn't listening to my God, I know when they walked in to my house, I had a thought going on in my head that they had
placed too much importance on the books.
was no way that my God was approving of these people and when I found out about the lies, then it was that I knew
he did not approve.
realised that there was something very cold about being with them; it was all unreal and pretence.
were hiding things as well, the dates they got wrong, for one. The watchman of Ephraim is taken out from among the
nations, the man of inspired expression to watch over Israel, there is animosity in the house of his God; you have become
a whitewashed wall with loose chippings.
house of Israel, a house for Jehovah’s name, you argue about pointless things that cause division.
destroy the Peoples minds with repetition, with sayings like, "it was not a cross in which he died, but a stake, fair
enough but why repeat the same points over and over again.
keep saying look, here is something else to prove that he did not die on the cross, or that Gods name is Jehovah.
know all about all of those points as you made it very clear in your little red book, book you took it all too far.
it your selves Israel that you are trying to convince?
you lost your faith?
know that you have, this is why you need book upon book, this, you believe is you spiritual food, but don’t you know
that faith is believing in something that cannot be seen.
away your books and what do you see what have you got only emptiness, a void because you have not built upon a solid foundation,
you have not built upon the name which you were supposed to build upon, like your fathers of old and those who call them selves
the House of Israel, all of them.
need your idols to sustain your spirituality. But the letter kills, the books are making you very sick indeed,
You Witnesses of Israel, I need Nothing, I don’t need your books, the idols you love to caress and hold and flatter
the nations with, oh how you love to tell them about your prophecies, but they have been lies.
Israel I need nothing, because I have the one true faith in the one that the God of Abraham sent, I look to the one they Pierced,
cant you see it written in the Prophet Ezekiel?
to the one they pierced, they greater David, King David.
have gone up against married couples and you have come against the children, you have not kept your selves clean and undefiled
like you boast, look to the one they pierced and follow his commands.
have a great Love for People, sometimes they annoy me after all I am only human, I’m open like anyone else to been irritated,
but on an average day I have a deep sense of Love for people.
I have a deep longing not to see anyone perish and die for want of true knowledge.
God of Israel is a great God and I know that maybe it appears that I am harping on but for a God Like this to make statements
like, I will lengthen the time for the sake of humanity, and this is a great God.
is true that He desires all to be won and none to be lost.
us Nothing anyone can do now at this late stage except Pray;
that you may escape.
These People
are going in for oil and their little minds are set on it, the War is even out of their h ands at th is stage.
is only the tool in this War to bring them into the low plain of the decision, and it would look as if they have made their
can see by the fact that they have been caught between a rock and a hard place, if they do not go in and take what they came
for, the oil to strengthen their economy, then they believe they will falter and fail.
thoughts of going in and taking this oil by which h they can give their economy that big boost is too much for them.
need the desirable things of the Earth.