at the time of the Start of the Iraqi war:
Battle of the last Great Egypt;
Damien Davis
Oh... I don’t know, I really don’t know, its four days old
now, this war and its enough to make a man sick and it has only just begun.
Greece fell as a Wild Beast
Rome fell as a Wild Beast and now it's America's turn.
In the first two days the media made it look so good for the Americans,
but suddenly the tables are beginning to turn, I knew in my heart that this would happen.
And I also know that the American are not able for it.
They are not strong enough for what they are about to meet.
They have been softened up over the years, weighed down with things of
the world.
But most of all, their economy is not up for it.
Yesterday, in the newspapers I saw an Iraqi soldier dead in his
trench with the top of his head blown clean off and a white surrender flag lying beside him.
He looked so vulnerable, wide open to attack, its as if they put the
worst fighters to the front, to make the Americans look as if they where going to have a walk in the park.
It was like they put civilians in uniform and forced them out.
Then I Saw another picture of an Iraqi child, about the age of my own
daughters, she was injured, her legs, her foot was mangled, you could see the bone of her leg peeping out of the mangled flesh.
Seeing these pictures, I Cursed the War and I cursed the Leaders of
the planet, two leaders in particular, Mr. Blair and Mr. Bush, Two leaders of a modern day dual world power, for having the
bottle to lie to the World by saying that this was a campaign to free Iraq.
If there was truth in this then maybe, just maybe there would be justice
in what they where doing.
But these slanderers are wicked to the bone; one of them is so like Pharaoh,
Stubborn To the bone, ready to test his firepower like Pharaoh sacrificing his men in the Red Sea.
He is pushing his men into a battle that is unjust and he knows it too,
and his people also know this.
A poor guy, an American Soldier said these words after been captured
by an Iraqi group "I'm sorry I don’t understand what you are saying"
Asked why he was fighting the Iraqi's, his reply was simply.
"I was told to come here, I was just under orders, I was told to shoot,
only if I was shot at, I don’t want to kill anybody".
The likes of this just shows you the weakness and the vulnerability of
And the next thing he says is painful to hear, because you realise how
frail people really are.
He says when asked why he was fighting the Iraqi's.
"They don’t bother me, I don’t bother them"
I felt like crying when I heard this and I felt the same when I seen
the Iraqi Soldier helplessly trying to surrender, white flag beside him.
The Americans will loose this war regardless of technology, and already
they are under pressure.
What are you wicked leaders doing?
But only looking after your own interests, but you will not admit this
to the world, why, because you are untruthful.
The war is unjust from your side, you cannot win this war, despite comments
like, "The enemy is in great danger" and "The Victory is certain ". And "there has not been a more powerful Military Force
since the beginning of History"
Shear Arrogance from the final Pharaoh.
you not see that you are absolutely without reason, can you not see that what you say here is an absolute Boast in your own
What you are saying here is that no one
can take you down.
Not even the highest God.
You believe that there is no one who can
bring your great Military might down.
These are utterances of complete Blasphemy
For there is someone who can bring you down
and it is the Most High, and as he has said he will take you down in the final.
He will take your mighty attack engines
down with all of your great Pilots and your Ships, you come from the west, Oh you King of the South.
You are going up against the North.
The Most High will surly take you down just
as he did with the First Pharaoh from long ago.
You are puffed up with pride fighting an
unjust war, a war to seize upon the treasures of Egypt.
This War is spoken of in Scripture, Prophesied long ago, when the great
GOD comes from his place in the North.
Look Pharaoh/ President of America/Egypt. Don’t you recall
the Story of the old Pharaoh, from the land of Egypt, and how he was broken by the Creators power, for he has the power and
the strength over the wind, rain, and the fire, any element you can think of he has the means to use it.
According to Scripture, he will allow this King from the North to overpower
you, even though he does not have the defence System that you have.
It is said that this King will be given the power to win over you.
How do you feel been told this?
How do you feel knowing that your Kingdom will be taken from you, and
all of its power?
America will loose this war, According to Scripture and not my word,
to his glory.
Gods Glory.
According to Scripture the only way that man can achieve the Peace
they supposedly desire is through the laying down of all of its weapons, each one of the nations, all at once, or else it
will be an act of war towards the heavens.
The only way is through following the commands of the Father and the
Going in to rob another countries Resource will be the undoing of all
And what’s more, coming into the Holy land at this point in History,
exactly two thousand years after the King of Israel was born is Blind stupidity.
But, what has got to be has got to be.
These people either read scripture and don’t understand or just
don’t care or maybe they are even testing it out, in order to see if there is any truth in the matter of coming against
the Son of Man and all of his forces.
It would seem to me that these people, these leaders are within a hairs
breath of been apart of the worst scenario in History.
The People of the Nations have not got a clue that what the Nation of
America is doing in this very time, by their surrounding the land of Egypt and Baghdad, and around the area of the Holy Land,
is slipping right into the Scriptures.
They are repeating exactly what Pharaoh did in his time, he went up against
the Father of Egypt and he too lost.
They are too sure of them selves; too sure they will win this War,
But the Scriptures Guarantees that they will loose it.
The Lord of Egypt assures them that they will loose it.
The Son of Man assures them that they will loose it.
The times are about right for all of this to happen.
This is why they are so interested in the Word of God; they do not want
to be caught out.
But it don’t matter what they look at or what way they look at
it they are coming up against something that is far to big for them.
It is comparable to The Human race going up against A Million Space ships
that have been twenty five thousand years ahead.
The Damage will all be due to two Leaders of the So-called Free World.
Blair and Bush, Two mighty leaders of World Government.
The Mighty Beast of World Government, a two horned wild beast, and all
of this is happening all because of their lust for wealth and their greed for more and more and more and more and more.
They simply never have enough.
Every tall tree has its day, America will no longer be a place of shade
for the people of the nations, says the Lord Jehovah.
Because I will chop it down.
For I too have a plan, to set up My King, David, to rule a people indefinitely
in an everlasting covenant with the nations, One that shall not be broken.
I will have my mountain in all its Glorious abundance, each and everyone
of its people satisfied.
David will be King over these people, over the house of Israel.
He will set matters straight.
I, Jehovah Shall leave Egypt a burned out wreck of a mountain that will
never be again.
You have said, Pharaoh,
That you have this plan that will not be like any other plan.
But no plan can be concealed from the Lord Jehovah of Israel.
There is no plan that I cannot hinder.
It would appear as if War will go on forever, it seems as if it will
go on forever and never stop.
There are no solutions among humanity, not you or I can find the solution.
The gross Pictures that the papers published today of the Iraqi Soldiers
being tortured were enough to make any man sick.
Two American Soldiers standing over a clump of bodies in a cruel way,
two American Soldiers, Mr and Mrs Soldier giving a thumbs up to the World as if to say "Well, we are giving it to them for
the job they did on 9/11.
This is what the Pictures were saying to me, this was pay back for the
messing with the nation of America.
This is what you get when you mess with Mr and Mrs America, its as if
they where proud of the pain they where inflicting upon these men, it was tit for tat.
This was the Americans saying to the rest of the World, "You know this
is our crueller side, the side that you never see, the side that we never ever show to the World.
This is the side that we hide, the side we hide from the Public of the
greater part of the World.
We speak as a lamb, but if you mess with us we will be behave as if we
are Satan him self, we will behave like the dragon, it is for our own protection, you know, you understand, don’t you?
And if you don’t then you can join the Iraqi's,
Because we must do what’s in the best intrest of the greater Public.
There are not rights in doing wrong, none you cannot behave like this
and expect to get away with it, Justice is bound to come a knocking on your from door.
America is bound to loose something very near to its heart in the future,
you simply cannot pay back nine eleven with another wrong, this is not Justice.
The right thing to do is to lock these prisoners in a cell in a right-minded
way, and not an abusive way.
Treat these prisoners well not bully them, believing that you will stop
terror on such a grand scale is impossible, you will just make things a lot worse that they already are.
Their tactics are put there to strike terror on the hearts into would
be terrorists, but this will do anything of the kind.
The terrorists are mean but it would seem that the west could be even
When the first radio broadcasting of nine eleven came on the radio, all
you could hear was the pure undiluted hatred coming across from the people who were ringing in to let their points of view
be known.
Hurting Iraqi prisoners in the west the way we have been seeing over
the past few months will cause even more trouble that there is.
And even more hatred of America's Policies.
There is nothing anyone can do to avert this war except pray that you
These People have gone in for oil and their little minds are set on it.
In fact the war is even out of their hands, greed is the only tool that
will bring them into the low plain of the decision. And they seem to have made the decision.
You can tell that they have been caught between a rock and a hard place;
you can see that if they do not go in then they risk their future economy; they are scared that they will not survive in the
They have got to go in get the oil in order to try and protect their
welfare, to strengthen their economy and they are afraid they will enter into the greatest lull in history.
They cannot afford to have this happen, so the thoughts of going in there
having a war going in to the east, taking out the Iraqis Is enough of a motivating force.
They need the desirable things of the middle east America has been brought
home again to the place were it all began, Egypt.
He is been brought back to his birthplace to fight against the east.
To the kings of the earth, just look at the damage they have caused to
these lands, they have torn them asunder.
To know what they have gone through you only have to look at your own
land and imagine your own land in the same predicament.
Imagine the republic of Eire being torn asunder by the American army;
there would be a feeling of wanting to protect the land and its contents.
This is what it is like for these people in these war torn countries,
they were ousted out of their countries without regard for human life, you cannot do the like of this, you are going
against the God of Gods by doing the like of this, so that it is only obvious that they are bound to fall and fall heavy,
that is America.
The animals that love to see blood went in and destroyed the Peace and
these nations were under.
All these Kings of the earth have on their minds is the immediate and
the earth needs more that the immediate taken care of, it needs the long term taken care of.
I know a Guy who speaks longingly of his hometown in Bosnia and
all of the things he has lost in his country. .
He speaks with deep regret of the friends that he has lost and the simple
things he once knew, now gone forever.
How much more of this devastation do you really think that People can
take, you Kings of the earth?
None this is how much, none.
We can take no more war and the earth, it sure as Hades cannot take another
second of it.
It can take no more changes to its delicate system, you have to stop,
this is the warning that you are receiving, and wont you listen?
Or is it impossible for you to listen to any of this?
The greed brought on by pride of ones possessions, it's the pride of
self that has got to be put in its place.
Greedy businessmen
Children who are been used for slaver trade with 90 cent per day or a
week, what ever it is, it has got to stop, you were told to look after the widow and the orphans, not to abuse them, why don't
you listen?
It is all for the greed of the businessmen, well you see, you are
about to become afraid, when you see what the judgement is upon the Religion that has misrepresented Gods word, when you see
them wasting away, then maybe you will become afraid and then do the right thing.
For as scripture clearly states, the businessmen stood at a distance
for fear of her torment.
Some of these kids in far off places, these kids are in situations were
they are pregnant and they are told to get rid of the child, to have an abortion or else they loose their Job, is nothing
sacred to you animals?
They flush their babe down the toilet fear of you people giving them
the heave ho, woe on to those carrying babes in their wombs, for these are dreadful times, brought about by greed.
Have we all lost our reason?
We in the West have all become like little spoilt children with our demands
for the best of everything, shoes runners shirts and what ever appeals to out vanity.
The Businessmen have you right were they want you People in the Palm
of their hands, they have you believing in everything they ever put out.
The greedy Businessmen of the earth raping robbing and pillaging, to
the extent of grabbing the oil for them selves.
Biblical times People, Biblical times.
They are robbing at an unbelievable rate, so fast that it may even
be too late to stop them.
No one with half a mind can tell me that all of those test that were
done with nuclear explosions in all those places did no harm, no one can tell me that.
No one can tell me that they did not damage the upper atmosphere.
Their greed is destructive to our Earth, the earth that we were given
to look after and not abuse to the rate that we have abused it.
You can even hear it in the songs that we write, it’s as if the
world is on a crash course with it self, doomed to destruction.
Maybe it is too late to save the sky and the forests that help man to
You have heard it said that if God almighty him self did not step in
then no flesh would have a chance of survival.
We are now at that stage in History.
If we are not stopped, if the businessmen are not stopped then no one
will survive and we have no one to blame but our selves, if they do not stop their raping and pillaging of the earth's wealth,
the oxygen the forests, then you may all start to buy the last piece of timber you will ever need, you coffin.
'Cause you'll all be dead as the dead as the nails for the wood of the
coffin. And how many times do a people have to be warned before they actually see that the danger is so real.
You businessmen of the Earth are the destroyers of the Earth, the destroyers
of it.
You are destroying every piece of natural resource there is on this big
old earth and the people are helping for sure.
Soon your oil will all be all meaningless to you, the petrol, all
no use, and the very money that you love so much will become valueless. Are you scared People with the words you read.
You should be terrified because of all of the damage you have caused
to the earth and its delicate balance that God made.
You have torn it too shreds and be prepared for it too fall to bits,
because you insist in continuing on as you are.
With your pride in company slogans and the clothes that you wear, all
of this has been the undoing of it all, images and idols of the earth.
They, these children have been ruined for your lovely things, your idols
and emblems.
You People are far removed from the sufferings of your brothers in far
off places, even in your own land, all working and dying in inhumane conditions, just so that you can say "yhe don’t
I look good, yhe sweet".
Were the Love?
You have none you only believe in words like hip and cool which have
no meaning your intrest is in looking good, when all you really look like are idiots without heart.
All you know is cool, you kids out there, COOL CCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
What does that word mean?
It means no love for your brother; it means self-self self-self and love
for your self and no one else.
You have no love for your sister's and brother's who are in complete
misery for your comfort, you People don’t really deserve what you have, you are spoilt and greedy and without Love.
You are thankless and miserable in your luxury, you are hiding behind
all tat you have built up, your empires of wood and stone and glass that glimmer and glitter in the daytime sun.
How many times do you People have to be warned before you take action?
Are you all asleep?
Are you all even Human?
Following you immaturity leaves you cold and immune to the troubles of
your sisters and brothers who are suffering.
You move along in your piety that your religious freedom gives you, well
haven’t you got that luxury, safe in your weekly forgiveness that shields you from your guilt, that you get from the
priests who are weighed down with the thoughts of wanting to be married. And as they discuss these things for another
thousand years more will die when it is all in the peoples hands to stop the deaths, at least the ones that are within their
power to stop.
You People are like snails with your talks about talks following
your own sense of self importance while the people on the other side of the globe who are related to you, you allow them to
continue in their suffering, living in inhumane conditions, you people are really asleep ignoring such important issues shows
that you do not care at all for the Human family, they all can go to hell as far as you are all concerned.
You are going to continue wearing your special garment s with your feel
good emblems, images of pride.
As far as you People are concerned, you People are much more important,
this is true racism, you will not help your brothers and sisters on the other side of earth by demanding a fare share of the
wage for them, so that you can be kept in your luxury.
The greedy businessman should be made give back some of these vast profits
to these people who cry out to be treated like moral human beings, while the greedy businessmen profit percent from this
kind of slavery, well, businessmen watch out for the judgement upon BABYLON THE GREAT, AND be afraid for your own judgement.
Don’t do onto others what you would not have done onto your selves,
has not this command been broken, the covenant that was laid down so long ago that the Americans promised to uphold it has
been crushed and broken.
Abraham was just one single man, but we are many" say the American's
who are going in to take what is not theirs.
You Pharaoh you continue to destroy the Earth, you keep ignoring the
destruction at your own peril, and you keep ignoring the cries for justice while you love your blood money.
Go on fouling yup your own Nile rivers then and streams polluting the
very air that we breath, sucking oxygen from the atmosphere until we all collapse from the lack of it, as the earth sinks
to it's grave.
Go on then fouling up your own Nile Rivers, you are up the top of that
Nile river now Oh Pharaoh.
The you will be brought down lower than any other Nation and your pride
of strenght will fall once and for all.
Le it be known tha the destroyer who brings you down will be the God
of Ariel Sharon, the God of Israel, THhe God of Gods.
Go then and ruin the rest of the Earth if th is is your desire captain
of the Ship the great Ship that is America.
America’s destruction
Who are
you like in greatness and wealth and power?
And she will return to her Harlot hire and will maintain improper relationships
with all of the Kingdoms on the face of the earth.
When news comes about Egypt they will be pained because of the report
about Tyre, The city by the coast.
Cross over to Tarnish you dwellers of the coastlands, Is this your exultant
City who's birth dates far back into antiquity and who's feet carried her [Tyre] to settle far away?
to The Land of New York.
are you people doing?
tit for tat.
the Iraqis did was also wrong, you’re all wrong in the eye of GOD.
it upon your selves to mete out Justice, what do you People really know about Justice?
You have
been slaughtering now for thousands of years and you still continue to do as you did back then, it never ever stops. Believing
that ALLA AND THE CHRSTIAN GOD must be right.
is terror in the land but whose hand is it in anyway?
The World
is filled with cowards, People that ignore the rules of combat, yhe, the moral code it is gone.
Gang that happens to get in a situation
were they pick on just one man, to hurt him, this shows the mark of cowardice and has absolutely zero to do with bravery...
Yes to War or no to War? Li
In these shoe's all
rights reserved, 200 4.......
you take the thunder you take the lightning,
you take all of the elements from up in the sky and they wont compare to the damage we'll cause if we don’t change now
the Political clause.
No it wont take all to fail for all
of us to die in these shoes.
You take the leaders of all the Governments
and you ask them why so many People have died and you'll know that deep down everyone of them has lied no it wont take....................
You take the status quo and you change
don’t you know there’s a decent future within all of our hands, all we need to do is just to understand that the
futures you and me, no it wont take all to fail...........