Goldenbridge has done a lot of harm to the people of Ireland, a great deal of harm and again, the elders of
the Catholic Church are responsible for the damage caused to all of these children, including my own family which suffered
at the hands of those who ran the now famous children’s home in Inchicore.
The record of abuse in all of these children’s homes speak for them selves, the children where beaten
to with in an inch of their lives.
They brought home memories to last them lifetime, they where beaten with broom handles, they where scared underneath
their beds by decrepit old nuns, or sisters, or whatever you call them.
I say what ever, because I have no respect for any of these people, not for what they did to my siblings.
They turned them into scared little mites.
My own brother when my mother finally took him home used to sit and repeatedly talk to the walls as a kid, repeating
the last lines of each sentence.
This is what they did to my family.
No my friends, homes are not the place for little children, they destroyed the minds of innocent babes.
The Bishops, Cardinals, Priests and the Nuns should be made to pay up dearly for all of this serious damage
that they caused to my family, and I am going to see they do, that’s after all what I am here for.
torture at the hands of two misfits, two drunken parents. This may seem like harsh words but they need to be
said. If any of you people had suffered the ways in which we four suffered, you all would have broke down for good
I want to say that I loved my parents again, I’ve said it enough and I forgive them for the things they
put us through, but the fear that we experienced was just too much for us and it was constant and it was never-ending
and the reason that the Catholic religion should pay and reimburse the like's of us, is due to the fact that we were tormented to
the point of running away.
The four of us, led by my sister, a surrogate mother.
The next thing we knew, instead of getting the help that we needed, we where bunged into homes and were separated
from each other, we didn't want to be torn from our sister, we wanted to be with her, but they, the so called family and the
Nuns of Goldenbridge thought that they knew better.
They tore our hearts asunder, all of them, the Bishops, the Cardinals, the Priests and the Nuns, the sisters
of no mercy, and our father and mother.
The true bastards of society, they have no idea what they did to us, they turned us into cold and bitter bad
tempered alcoholic junkie people that when we drank, it all came out in all kinds of warped ways, all of the buried
stuff just spewed out from us.
Goldenbridge did untold damage to the children of Eire, so who will pay these damaged children back>?
Who will listen to their cries in the wilderness will BABYLON?
Will she listen, has she cared for the children up till now, the Homes were all connected to this whore, with
her priests that did more to destroy these children than anyone,
This is the reason that the Catholic religion should be made to pay, for the destruction of four small
little angels, who were destroyed by them all.
Every one of them is to blame.
We where four innocent kids who where destroyed by their lack of love and concern, and I want to sue the
Catholic Church for all of the pain that we had to endure, all because of them all, and the damage that is still being
The Catholic Institutions were involved in all of these Homes, with Sisters and Nun's.
There would be quite a lot of children running about these Homes.
It was sad and lonely looking to see them without parents.
Unloved Children, a lost generation and no one gave a dam.
It was devastating for children to be put into the like of GOlDENBRIDGE in Inchicore and it was devastating.
Sad and lonely children having to get by and a lot of the time they did manage to get along.
The nations don’t give a dam about our predicament, the nations don’t care for orphans of the storm,
it cannot afford to, its too busy taking care of its war machines, supposedly to protect us all from attack from our so called
neighbourgh's who the like of American policies continue to upset.
What about the children, don’t they matter?
What about them, we put all these leaders into their positions, for what?
Each of the nations are loaded like a bow 'n' arrow, ready to ignite the world alight.
The world is filled with tension, fearing the worst, fearing nuclear attack from each other.
How can a world ever rest and be content with this kind of threat hanging over it?
The threat remains the same.
In fact it's worse than it ever was with the fear of terrorism.
That’s all it will take is a loose nation to start something that cannot be controlled.
One nuclear strike and it can go one-way or another.
If I did not believe in the God that I believe in, then I would say stop and disarm and throw down your
weapons but I cannot say this because everything seems to be veering straight towards the prophecies.
Every weapon on earth is loaded and cocked and ready to fire upon each of its neighbourgh’s, like a silly
bloody game of Red Alert 2.
They’ve gathered around Jerusalem, it’s only a matter of time before they destroy Jehovah's City.
They are filled with violence in their hearts, the proof being that they never ever stop and say, "Well that’s
enough, no more". No they want More and more and more, more war, they are like kids who want to see the outcome of their
They are poised and ready for the war, over the past one hundred years or more, the industrialised world
has been getting ready for the biblical threat, why else would they concentrate so much time and effort and money into so
many arms.
"Come gather all your finest young men for the war"
Come and gather all your weapons for the hunt"
"When you see the nations gathered into one area", well, they couldn't be any more gathered than they are.
They are fully gathered and are just waiting for the right moment.
It would seem they are just trying to convince the people that it is the right thing to do.
"Lets go to war, you know that it is a good idea"
This is what our leaders are saying.
They must be knowing something when they call the great bible scholars into the white house and the even the
boastful ones, like the so-called bible code writer, that they gathered into the white house, according to his latest
Why on earth would you ask this man for his opinion when the God of Israel has said, "you have lost the war,
you have already lost the Great War", it just hasn't happened yet.
Wake up and take advice from the ones who know, you have stirred up a hornets nest and you are actually asking
all of the soothsayers and the astrologers advice.
It's only a matter of time before they destroy Jehovah's Holy city, they are filled with destruction in their
hearts, and they never want to give up their violence.
Its inside them, the war is inside their own minds and they have brought it onto the battlefield.
The proof, they never take a rest from all of their atrocities, North South and West and East of every Nation
on the whole of planet Earth.
The earth suffocates with all of the wars that destroy the welfare of its innocent, the innocent that die day
after day after day.
The Lord of Abraham speaks through whom ever he so chooses; he could have chosen a tramp on the street, lest
the Prophets boast.
The prophet is but a tool in Gods armour, again lest he boast.
What makes him special are the words that he is given, the word that he speaks, and the fact that it comes
straight from the living God.
It was not the Prophets that made the words come true but the God whom empowered them to speak the word.
And what made them true men of God is the fact that the word that they spoke, which came from the living GOD,
Lord of Abraham, Lord Jehovah, always came true.
It never failed, it was always 100 percent accurate, it was never 99.99, but right on the 100 mark.
If the Lord of Abraham say's that a city will fall, if he says that a great city inside a great country will
fall, then it will without a shadow of doubt, fall.
And if the God of Abraham speaks through a prophet to say that a great nation on the planet will be humiliated
and brought down lower than any other nation on the Earth, even though it was the biggest nation on the Earth, you can be
assured that the word will come true.
A great nation on the Earth is under judgement because it broke the covenant and has boasted of its own arrogance
in it self, that it is bigger than all, even bringing it self above the Most High God.
It has tried to bring itself up and above God.
It has, by making the God of fortress stronger and stronger and then saying, now look who can possibly bring
us down now from our great height's?
Indeed, even by pointing all of their Great War weapons upward, they are more or less saying, don’t even
try it God. Anyone who tries to make a move against our great nation will be in for a whole heap of trouble.
They will be brought down.
Now we heard many blasphemous words coming from America during the siege of Iraq, when it went in order to secure
its oil, or maybe it was their people. With words like
"They will think that it is ARMEGGEDDON".
The fact is, that it is Armageddon or close to it, for they have brought them selves closer to the scriptural
The God of the heavens promised to take the last great nation down from it's arrogant place, and make all of
its children scattered to the four winds, for forty years, and at the end of this time he will bring them back, a lower nation
than any other on the planet, thus teaching them never to be as arrogant again.
And now this has begun to happen, young American's are beginning to feel the shame of what it is like to be
an American, they are beginning to be ridiculed by the other nations.
America is a fat and over nourished nation, that relies upon its phoney freedom.
The Prophecy is already being fulfilled with the American youth taking the initiative and leaving for places
in Europe.
The have begun to tire of fat America.
The tree in the Scripture has got to be
This nation has got to be America, because in the prophets it speaks of the great tree being brought down from
its place, the great tree of a nation. He promised to take them down in the desert.
Now as you well know the desert lay's somewhere in the region in and around the likes of Iraq and Iran and all
of these middle eastern places, now the Americans have gone in and believe they are totally secure in this war.
But are they, when you consider that a brand new game is being played, a game of terrorism.
The God of Abraham promised the Israelite that he and he alone would take down the last mighty nation down in
the desert, this seems to have begun.
This very thing seems to have begun, with the positions that the Armies of the world have taken up.
was Goldenbridge like, what kind of a place was it, I don't know, i can't remember except for the hallways
with curtains into little cubicles.
see; I was only a babe and yet, I still have flashbacks of this home and other homes were my sister would tend
to me whenever i would cry.
was I crying?
back even to that age, I sensed something was wrong, that there was something amiss, and I knew that my sister was not m y
Mother, that she was little more that a surrogate Mother.
are letters available were my Mother and my sister who was only a little girl would communicate.
were heartbreaking letters were my mother who was locked up in saint Brendanshaving her spirit broken, would be asking my
sister to take care of her little Damien.
must have been a really hard thing for her to do, but, she sis it and she did it to the best of her ability.She looked after
my middle brother and my self.
the beggining of my sisters times in himes, the first being the sacred heart home were she remained on her own writing back
and forth to her mother these heartbreaking letters, and my mum just made it all the harder and sadder by telling my sister
all of her own problems that she was having with her Husband, something that no little girl should have to listen to.
saint Brendens, my Mother was hurting badly at the hands of Nurses who seemed to be there to depress the human spirit, with
their country accents and their keys jangling at their dides, big doors made to do nothing eccept make people feel trapped
and to know they were going no where, the systems way of crushing people, big doors keays to lock you in, Nurses with country
Accents, in other words my mother could not have Dublin Nurses to make her feel home at least.
would surly have been too simple for them to do.
make my mum feel like she was safe and well, no they made her feel like a dog who deserved nothing at all, ever.
place I can well remember, even though I was only a child visitor.
her it was much worse, she could not leave because she had been signed in by someone.
was no such thing as Love in this place, pnly pain, only bad stories, only Nurses that were as hard as nails, who believed
that tenderness was for the birds and that love was some stupid emotion from the movies, they were devoid of any true emotion
and did not feel that the people who were sent to them were in need of any of this emotion.
were cynical to the bone and hard necked, the Nurses, just like those who ran the Homes for children, these children got no
love either, so how could these familys ever improve and get right.
were well versed in cynical ways and always ready with the injections if things got out of hand.
it was them who brought it out of hand, by not really listening to the patients needs.
Mother would spend days and nights behind these walls, something like 39 times, praying that she would be taken out of the
over her own life and wondering what it was that she had done so wrong, 'what have I done' she would ask.
said that she would only have to lift a glass and they would be down on top of her and putting her back into that shithole.
you see, they had become used to her drunken ways and knew the disaterous behavour, so they would at one stage of her life,
try and ip things in the bud by putting her in as soon as she lifted that glass.
never helped her, to be put into these places, and it surly made matters worse and they helped to kill her very slowley with
all of their depressing ways.
fed her with pills that led her to grat depressions.
Mother was locked up and her onw daughter was locked up along with her own three sons, and this more thatn likley led to a
hole heap of guilt for her self.
they should have done, the System was employ people to go to these troubeled homes on a 24 hour basis so that when trouble
arose such as violence because of the drink, then we should have been kept as a family unit in our own home.
least two people on the look out for us while our parents got their drinking out of their own systems, and were ready to come
home again, this would have been a better solution that breaking us all up and causing such heartache among the lot os us.
no one thought of this as a solution is beyond me entierly, youknow, this would have been a good solution.
could have saved by us doing something like this , as well as giving employment to numerous people.
were not worth this , we were not worth the trouble of going to all of this bother, not worth the cost of an idea like this.
good idea could have saved many lives, but they were not taking ideas like this, they were too concerned with what was wrong
in the eyes of God, lining their own pockets with wealth, they did not care about the widow and the orphan, like they were
told to care for them.
should have sent someone in to see how I was doing back then when I was only a kid, back there in Finglas South, Dublin.
might have stopped a lot of heart ache, but I was to go throught the most painfull period of my life, as an insecure lonly
child who would feel all of the feelings of been lost.
was abuse that was the only word for it and it was abuse by the system.
never sent anyone in to see how I was doing I was so scared and alone and they still do not send anyone in to see how the
kids are doing in these times.
friend of mine has witnesses the pain and the trouble that from working on a childline helpline.
concern is for these children as it is only right that we care for them.
that I can do is give some ideas and tell my Story.