List of contents

Hearts of stone

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2





I know first hand of the unwillingness of People to give.

Those who have money, I mean, I’ve seen the ones who have no money give without a second thought.

So World Poverty is down to us here on This Earth, God, He is blameless as is his Son.

It is Human beings that are to blame for letting their brothers suffer needlessly.

They do not have to suffer in these countries, not if those of us who are in the positions to give would only give like we are supposed to give.


It wouldn't surprise me in the least if all of the stress that we as Humanity suffer from were caused from or partly from the act of not given and letting our fellowman die in the streets.

Hardened hearts, hearts of stone, and hearts of steel.

To give to your fellowman in war torn area's that are in deep deep trouble and need.

We are supposed to be taking responsibility for our fellowman, if you were living in these places, would you not want to know that someone out there was giving and trying to help in a real way.

"The Golden Rule!"

It is not right, knowing that we are allowing our brothers in far off places to starve to death, letting them die of the basic needs.


Food, the most basic need in life.

Where are your hearts People?

Are they in that bag of shopping that you carry home with you filled with clothes all for the self?

As you carry home, as you look into the window at those wonderful red shoes or something else that you desire just for you.

Just think about your brothers in those far off places on the roadside, picking up grains of rice until he really has not picked up anything only a few grains of rice.


What can he make of a few grains of rice, only nothing?

Have you all gone totally mad People?

Has Insanity completely taken hold of you, and are you all in a trance?

Can't you see the travesty that is going down here, surly I can't be the only one left who sees the things that I report to you now, surly I am not the only one.

All that you ever do People is talk about your selves and yours.

And all of you so called hard men just make me ill, all you are made up of is a jelly like substance called flesh, don’t you all know that you are as breakable as a potters vessel?

You are all breakable and not hard, cold but not hard, at all; it's all just a delusion.

Here comes the Golden RULE IN ACTION AGAIN.

If you where all watching you’re own children dying from starvation, how big would you feel then?

And see how tuff you would all feel with most of your body fat content gone.

No! You are not tuff at tall; I have seen many hard men cry over smaller things.

I see regularly all of these so called hard men bluffing with their mouths, all-pretending to be something they are not

Given the right reason and situation they would most likely shite in their pants.

No again I say there are no tuff men, only bullies that love to perceive them selves as hard men, but the wars of the old world showed up people for what they are, flesh and bone, but they could not take this simple truth.

We are simply flesh and blood, a substance made from jelly.

I have seen all kinds of men in various situations where they are down on the ground and not able to get up of the ground, laying half dead there on the ground from black outs of fits or something that has knocked them out of the game.

When we all come to realize that we are only this then we can come down off of this phoney and lying image of what we are not.

We live in a world of delusion where men walk around pretending to be so hip, and women the same.

While children hunker down on their hands and their knees in full-blossomed hunger, picking up what they can find on the floor, what have we become only a joke to the one true GOD.

He laughs at our attempts to be as powerful as he and he roars with anger because we leave these children on the roadside.

Bully boys standing on the side of the road with there well fed bellies standing in their own vomit, I have seen it all as the children who are walk on legs of jelly.

Children in the east laying on the roadside, while we in the west are living so nicely.

And at the table there are businessmen counting their money never putting by for the ones who cry.

When will the human race take responsibility, when will we take responsibility for our crimes against humanity?

It is we, the human family who do not take care of the human family.

Who else is going to take care at this point in time, only humanity?

The King Jesus will eventually take over.

But I think we will be tested first.

It has been left to us to care, because who else will do it, the animals?

If we cannot relieve their pain, then there is one who will; he will do it any way.

When the Son of mans Kingdom arrives.

How hard can it be for you People to dig into your pockets and surrender a small portion of your wages towards the relief of World Hunger?

One or Two euros per day, it’s not too much to ask now is it.

My own Mother as bad an all as she could be believed in giving and setting aside a part of her earnings and she was not even employed, she did not even work but only had a lousy widows pension given to her by the state.

How much Longer are we willing to allow these atrocities to go on without lending a hand to stop the suffering, when all that we do is give scraps from our tables, while they starve for the want of your help.

And how much longer, when we know that collectively it is within our power to relieve this hunger on a massive scale.

All it takes is all of the People to come together and do what Jesus and His Father asked of the People. Give a part of your wheat field to the hunger or the gleanings of your harvest.

Someone once said to me, Ah that is just the devil, making everyone feel guilty.

What do you think?

If it then I am confused, because it was God who said to give a part of your earnings to the hungry, feed the hungry and the clothe the poor.

I just don’t understand why the world has not thought of something this big before; I mean are we all that mean?

For to give the amount I speak of wont break us will it?

I am not trying to make anyone feel guilty, i am trying to take the guilt away, if anything, because it seems to me that not responding to this world crisis is causing guilt.

We are guilty no matter what is said, just as guilty as Hitler when he left so many People so starve in concentration camps.

We too are allowing People to starve in the third world concentration camps.

Can you not se this?

WE have absolutely no excuse for we have all become a bunch of self-serving spoilt children who don’t care doing everything for the self.

There is no thought for our brothers on the other side of the planet.

I truly cannot believe that we are allowing this Holocaust to take place, it is happening every time a million or so people die from hunger.


If an idea like this was organised properly worldwide for each here in the West to give just to give.

The idea has nothing to do with me, it was thought of a long time ago by the creator of humanity.

I am personally tired of seeing people dying on a mass scale.

And I am tired of hearing my own God get the blame for what is obviously lacking human beings.

I hear the house of Israel say that the most Important thing is taking in knowledge and eating up words until they are physically sick from them, as they read their parrot books.

I know that the PEOPLE ARE NOT going to like what it is that I am saying, but again, I Have to say that it is not me who is saying it but the scriptures.

These judgements are coming straight from the Prophet Ezekiel.

The People are wasting away with a wasting Illness due to their obsession with the Temples that they put above their own bodily Temples, and the books they love to read, they put these also above their own temples, as it states clearly in the New testament, the body, don’t you know that it is a temple.


Jehovah, the God of their Fore fathers is about to separate him self from the House of Israel, again, because of their lack of concern for the People they are supposed to be Shepard’s to, they are putting things that make no sense at all above the things of God.

He will separate him self from them using the nations judgements, such as the court, and a trial, with regards the money they have received from their so-called voluntary offerings.


Jehovah is about to Publicly shame these People, because they have not tended to the Sheep, they have not tended to the flock, instead they have tended to the bricks and mortar that build temples and the trees that build books and lots of them.


They should not have carried on with their lie among the people, Presuming to speak on Gods behalf as usual, They should not have said that the end was due, for no one knows the end not even the Son in the heavens.


You will see these suffer a public humiliation when they are brought into a trial.

They have allowed their flock to go without real spiritual food for obsession of books, the idols that are in front of their faces.

I want these people to listen to what will follow.

1. Why do you feel tired always?

2. Why do you suffer from ailments to do with the stomach? Why do you feel sad all of the time, and depressed?

3. Why are you always on about the end of time?

Don’t you know what it says in scripture, about woe onto those that are awaiting the end?

The reason is because you have listened to two princes and their two errors.

Because you will not test the inspired expression, Go and look at your selves and Your two errors in scriptures These two Princes gave, according to the book of truth, they gave them selves permission to appoint elders in their positions when The God of Israel did not give them any permission, they have acted just like their forefathers.


Ask your selves again why you feel so bad inside. And I'll give you the answer In Gods name.

Four thousand years ago, in the prophet Ezekiel it was told that you would take his name, that is Gods name and that you would presume two errors and turn Gods name into a laughing stock among the nations.

The Judgement; according to the book of truth;

A wasting illness.  4.17

The only way that you can hope to save your selves is to leave this institute, the very same way that you ask the People to leave Jerusalem, or Babylon the great, The People have left Jerusalem and gone straight from the frying pan into the fire, by going into the house of Israel, those who have profaned Gods name.


I personally know what it is like to be the inquirer of the lie, after three years I began to feel terrible within my self. I felt like I was sick when I was with this organisation.

It is up to you People to believe it or not, maybe you will listen when you see your elders having to give it all back, considering they did receive every penny they have got from using when they had not right, the name of the God of Abraham.

The God of Israel is not to be played with, his power is terrific, his presence awesome, he can destroy and build up anything that he pleases, he can kill and raise up again all that he chooses, and he demands glory for his Son.

The Human race has become self destructive, you can even hear it in the songs they write, it's as if they are all on a mission to bring about the last days, and they are.


Maybe it's too late to save the forests that help us all to breath did you ever consider this?

Maybe the damage has already been done to such an extent that nothing can be done to save the Earth.


I wonder has anyone considered the option that maybe it is too late to turn back on all of the devastation that has been caused.

After all it does say that the destroyers of the earth destroy.

