List of contents

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2

                                                  From the Lord of Israel;

Stay away from Israel you Nations for these are my People, says the Lord of the Earth.

All you People of all you Nations that have hated my People Israel will not judge my People, the judgement belongs to me; says the Lord of Israel.


Israel from the beginning has stretched it self-out; Israel has become a great NATION in all of the EARTH, who will go against my People?

Who among you have the right to judge Israel?

Do the Nations and its Peoples understand my People, they are in no position to judge my People.


I myself shall judge Israel, my People, say’s the Lord of heaven and earth.

I shall chastise Israel and all of its   children, I alone, I the God of their forefathers.

They have sinned against me, by relying upon Pharaoh and his entire horde.

But Pharaoh, he too shall feel the edge of my sword, Pharaoh, an arrogant one among the Nations has come into my Holy Nation in order to take what is not his to take.

Because Pharaoh has said in his heart that he is a god and he has set his mind on Jerusalem, I shall make him stumble and fall like his predecessors.


His arrogant heart has come against me, the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

I am the Lord of Eternity and my People shall know me when I sanctify my great Name among all of the Nations.


I the Lord of   Heaven and Earth will sanctify my great Name that you Israel have defiled among the Nations and I will clear my own Son's Name that you have also denied.


Only those who have followed my Son and believe in his Name will Inherit the Kingdom.


Your false Gods will not save you from the destruction that shall come upon the Earth.


I the Lord of Israel have taken all that I will take from the gods that you worship; they are not the truth, and have never been the truth they are made by human hands and not by me.


Israel offends me in it's disbelief, the Nations offend me with their greed, Babylon offends me with all of it's vein offerings and it's images made from wood and stone.


Mercy, Mercy, I desire Mercy and forgiveness from every individual.


Come back to me, by belief in my Son, the only way that men shall enter.

All other roads have been blocked; Israel is the vine from which all other Harlots have came;

There can be no entry by way of these, how can there be, when OI gave you the promised Messiah?


If Israel cannot believe his own father then whom will Israel believe?



I gave you the Promise; I renewed my Holy covenant by way of my servant David.

Go and Look to him and believe in him.

Israel is fenced in around all her boundaries, who can save Israel?

Will Israel save it self.


The Judges have come into the World in order to seek out the righteous because righteousness has been defiled.


The Priests have defiled the law, the Judges have defiled the law, my law, and the People have all defiled the law.


They have lost all respect for Justice, they have no Love, and they are without Justice and Love.

Therefore, they lack Peace.


They respect only their own evil deeds of which they are proud.

They stand back to look at their wickedness as if it were an idol polished and groomed.

How can those that fight against the Lord of the Earth enter into righteousness how can they attain Peace and security, when all they have is destruction in their hands.


Their weapons of destruction have reached the heavens.

They the Nations have put all of their desirable things into the god of fortress; they have plundered in order to make their Nation stronger.


Woe to the City built upon lie's for it has no foundation.


I, The Lord brought you back to your birthplace, Pharaoh and there i shall bring you down, low and dejected, lower than the other Nation's,

I shall Humiliate you among all of the Nations, you shall have no helper in site, your fate is sealed Pharaoh.

I shall leave you low and dejected as other Nations before you thee, I shall teach you that you are a man and not a god and you will know that I am the beginning and the end when I strip you of all your weapons of destruction.

All you Nations kiss the Son lest he be angry.

My Son will war in righteousness, my chosen one, King of Kings and Lord of Lords the first and the last.



Make straight your paths,, take in the ways of truth for the ways of truth are in Love, Justice, Peace.


How many souls the Priests that sent them out tot eh Battlefield, and now the House of Israel leave have lost their dead on the streets and the highways of the earth.


You Witnesses of Israel, you have lied in my name and you caused many to fall down slain, and many to fall into the hands of the wicked one.


You will not come to My Prophet for an answer you who call your selves Jews.

Those who steal from the Watchman of Ephraim will fall because the truth is not in them, they are a friend of the Liar and the devil.


Those who call them selves by the Name of Jehovah, the Name that I gave to Moses, they have used it for their own benefit, taking from the Widow that which is not theirs to take.

They carried on their two lies and Spiritually blinded all of those who inquired of them, they came from the same vine.

They spread Lies and deceit killing those who should not die and making those live who should not live.


They have incited the People to break my decrees by slowly hardening their hearts with continuous words that frustrate and close up their minds and spiritually ruin.

They take my words and cause the deaths of the People.


They have caused the People heartache, making them eat words until they are sick.


They were not told to eat these words in this way but only to follow my decrees.

Those words they eat cause them to die and there lack of abidance to the Son of David cause them to die.


They have become prey to Satan; they drink no wine and eat no bread in remembrance to my Son, Lord Jesus; whom I gave to you.


Believe in him and obey his words and live.



The Watchman Of Ephraim




 The Watchman of Ephraim who is Posted to watch over Israel in the final period of the times, who is to be a sign to the house of Israel, who include the men that have taken on the name of the Great God of Israel who is Lord Jehovah.


He, the Watchman of Ephraim is just be one singular person and not an entire community or institute.

He will make known the errors of those who have taken the name from the book of Isaiah, were the most powerful and only True God is addressing the house of Israel as his own.

He says to them "You will be Witnesses of mine" Say's the Lord Jehovah.

This is the reason that the witnesses call themselves by his name, and when they do this, they are identifying and calling them selves Gods People and The House of Israel.

And so, in the Final Period, which they are, saying is now and other times also, there is one who comes along and is posted over Israel, to watch over them and to report what he sees.

And what he sees, from those who are calling them selves after the most sacred name is this,

The Prophet, after boring through Jerusalem's walls by hand [Jerusalem] a name for the most holy Temple on Earth and also his wife.

In the beginning she was known as this, but in the latter days she is referred to as Great Babylon, after many years of Corruption, and out from Jerusalem these Sons of Israel where taken, but only to fall back into Idolatry.

The idolatry of Publishing and the love of books, the idol that is before their faces, which causes them to stumble and sin and to break Gods laws, they do not remain in the truth and they cause the many who come out of Jerusalem [Babylon] [Catholic] to die, spiritually and literally.


Due to the abundance of all of these books and the billions of words that they throw into there minds every day.

They wear them selves out, they get jaded and tired, bored and depressed and then eventually see life as one big book of words and they begin to loose their minds, hence the sudden suicides...........The House of Israel, those who are calling them selves Jews, by using Gods name, and they do tarnish this name.



The Prophet Ezekiel mirrors to a tee many of the images and things which are happening today, in the here and now.

The Prophet himself was a Priest and a very righteous man, who was of old times, sent out to speak to the house of Israel about what they had done on God, about their idolatry, and the way that they put all of the works of their own two hands ahead of his Justice.

They even started putting the nations first and wanting to look good in their eyes.

They were more than likely boasting about their works and how great they where.

The Prophet according to the book, was a Writer of Dirges, a dirge is a drone of a song about depressing times ahead.

They are warnings of impending doom and gloom.

He was given the order by God him self, what was he to do?

Ignore them?

No I’m afraid he could not do this, as the God of truth, when he wants something done he gets it done.

So there was a threat put on the prophet, that if he did not do as he was told that he would die.

That he would simply die.

What was he to do only carry out what his God wanted?