Part seven
The nation’s
have had them in a harness from the very first time they told their first lie in 1925, no longer had they the freedom to move
with comfort among the people, this time they were hounded with having their first lie being thrown in their face every time
they went to knock on peoples doors, this is all written down in the prophet Ezekiel, all about the house of Israel and their
lie’s and how the nation’s will have them in a harness, this is exactly what the house of Israel have had to put
up with as the Jehovah’s witnesses, and the reason that they can be no one else but the house of Israel is down to the
fact that they take their name out of the book of Isaiah were he is addressing the house of Israel, so the fact that they
take their name out of this book and by taking on Gods sacred name, well, they could be none other than the house of Israel,
for God will always know his people by that name, the house of Israel.
They presumed
to prophesy in God’s most holy name and now they will feel the blade of his sword.
Not alone did
they presume a lie but when it failed they lost, the sheep who were slain, the sheep who got to see the lie that Israel had
told, and so these people went into spiritual exile all because the Jehovah’s witnesses lied, they confused their very
own people by their two lies, they are most reprehensible most reprehensible, they lost all those people, but these people
were right to leave this organisation for to be yoked with them was to take part in the lie, so they did the right thing to
leave this lying institute, Jehovah’s witnesses, and so are the people today who leave it, they are not guilty as they
believe, they are right to leave for the Jehovah’s witnesses are about to be taken into the courts to answer the charge
as to why they not only lied in the name of Jehovah, because the nations don’t care about that, what they care about
is the fact that they after they had told the first lie continued on the lie and made millions and millions all on the basis
or on the strength of these two lies, this is deception and fraud, and can be called nothing more, and I don’t have
no sympathy for them because they blatantly lied and continued to collect all this money on the name of Jehovah, the God they
say they love, and I have no sympathy for them for many have literally died by killing them selves with the depression that
they were feeling and the only reason they felt this was because they lied in Gods name.
They are responsible
for the spiritual and literal deaths of many a Jehovah’s witness and they hide behind more scripture, they keep finding
more scripture to excuse their on going lies in Gods holy name. I ask each and every one of the witnesses on board, what happened
with you all when did you all stop testing the inspired expression?
When? You are
all guilty of not seeing the lies for what they were lies in Jehovah’s name and if you continue on in this house then
expect the worse, just as they tell you to get out of Babylon the great, you also had better listen to what I am saying and
leave your organisation, the organisation that lied in the name of your God and collected so much money on the strength of
those two lies.
The guilt as you
well know lays on the inquirer of the false prophet as it does with the one who made the prophecy. You Jehovah’s witnesses
had better test the inspired expression again, what happened that you stopped testing it, you have one chance to ask your
self hang on what this guy is saying we at least have to check it out. I am not the usual attackers that have come at the
Jehovah’s witnesses, I am different in the fact that I tell you the truth in the hope of making you realise that a lie
is a lie and when they told their first one in 1925 don’t you realise that they said something that was simply not true?
They said the prophets were coming back, this is not something that you can just stuff under the carpet, it is a lie in the
most holy of holy name, Jehovah, they have said to you that it is all right to lie in his name, why cant you see this?
You elders are
responsible for a lot of damage for telling these two lies and using more scripture to cover it all up. Who are the Jehovah’s
witnesses? How did they get their name? Well to answer both questions, you have to go to the prophet Isaiah first.
is were they get their name from, this is were Jehovah is addressing his people as the house of Israel, and in a certain chapter
and verse they identify them selves with the statement “you will be witnesses of mine, say’s Jehovah.