Part nine
answer. Just as
you’re fore fathers before you, you too have fallen in love with the idols again. And for this you are being judged
because of your pride, for the stumbling blocks that are in front of your face. For this you are being judged, for the temples
that you love to visit, your pride is in the works of your own hands, they weigh heavy upon your hearts, they, are what drag
you down, they make your heart cold, they make you physically sick, to the point that you are wasting away in your error’s. You Israel, have been told that you will not build up a stonewall,
in behalf of Israel to stand with Jehovah in the day of his battle. For the sword is against every one, all alike, you will
not escape the sword o’Israel. Do you fear the sword so much Israel [Jehovah’s witnesses] you, the elderly ones
of Israel say to your flock, oh how happy we can be that we do not fall in to the same judgement as the nation’s, for
we have kept our selves so clean. Well, Israel the answer is this, you have not kept your self free from sin and you will
fall by the sword you will not escape the judgement of the sword that will fall on all alike. You have tried desperately to
escape the sword, but you have fallen straight into the trap, with your pride of temples and the pride of your idols, that
are in front of your very faces. The multitude of the book’s that you love to publish, oh how you do love to publish,
Israel, you are so proud, and by your pride you have sinned, by taking on my holy name, and then to lie twice in my holy name
and then to carry on these lies in my name, you went on to make all of your money, taking from the widow, and any one who
would give, you Israel are guilty of building up your great city of pride using my holy name, you have collected much gold
using my name which you also tarnished among the nations. How should you be judged for this, Israel? Should I take every thing
from you? Should I destroy your city of pride? What am I to do with you Israel? How should I punish Israel? How many more
times will you lie in my holy name? The watchman will judge you now Israel. I will tear down your city of pride, when I judge
you by the hand of the nations. The Sheppard’s of Israel are responsible for the multitude of slain who walk the streets,
both you and Babylon the great [Catholicism e.g.] you were taken from the midst of Babylon only to sin again in my name, just
like your fore father’s before you, when will you learn, Israel? You can not keep your innocence, you put chords upon
the watchman of Israel, so that he could not go in amongst you, to reprimand you of your error’s and your pride, you
tied the watchman up with your own self righteousness, having him believe that you were the one’s that were telling
the truth, because confusion abounds. But you are not the way, for the sword of judgement is against all-alike and you O’
Israel will not escape the sword. Did you really believe that you kept your self-free from judgement? Your pride in your idols
are what have made you fall, they have been your downfall. Look at tem, look at your stone walls, temples made from wood and
stone, look at your kingdom halls that you can build up in just three days, not a stone will be left upon a stone. Did you
believe that these mere idols would please the God of justice and truth? Idols, every one of them. Jesus said that not a stone
would be left upon a stone, not even for you Israel. If you had loved your son’s and your daughter’s the way that
you loved your idol’s, instead of tormenting them with you commands,
commands of men, all of them. Every time, a new command. Your sons and your daughters have been weighed down by your extra
laws, do this, and do not do that, you must keep doing this and that; it never ends with you O’Israel. You must, you
must, you must, and you must. You must keep records of the hours of service to Jehovah, you must keep records of all the spiritually
slain, that you have killed, Israel. But you must not follow them is your command, leave them to their own way’s, they
are not a part of Israel, when did I give you this ruling, Israel [Jehovah’s witnesses?] and they wander of like lost
sheep, not knowing the way out, and you elders of Israel do not care, you have left them with no way out, so they fall right
into the trap that Satan has laid for them, when they come away from your organisation, but they have been right to leave
you, Jehovah’s witnesses, but they have been left wide open for attack, Israel. Was your love Israel? And still they
wander around like lost sheep, they are spiritually slain and you are their killers Israel. You have been the cause of their
spiritual deaths, while you have more concern for the works of your hands, like your temples and your books, and endless words,
desiring to look good to the nations, in your hearts you want to be just like the nations in every thing that you do, with
all your records and your figures and your records on all your people. Don’t you feel shame Israel? Your only concern
is in getting gain for your self, as you boast on the amount of sheep that you put into the pen. You don’t care about
the people only in the figures that amount to absolutely nothing, because the inquirers judgement will be the same as the
prophets, so it does not matter how many people you have put into the pen, because what they follow is a lie, your lie, you
are not a valid institute Israel, all because of the lie’s that you told and continued to tell, the people who have
come to you have been the inquirers of both your lie’s. The only way that they can come back to their God is to leave
you Israel and come back to me, leave all their books behind and their temples and live a clean life with out idolatry, the
idolatry of loving temples and books. You have confused these people with your extra laws, did I not give you the laws by
which a man can continue to live. These are, 1,do not worship the idols of the Israelites, that’s you
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Part ten |
