List of contents

Part ten

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2


Part ten

Israel, witnesses of Israel.2, do not worship at forbidden shrines, 3, do not seduce another mans wife. 4do not have sexual relations with a woman during her period. 5 do not steal from any one. 6 give back to a lender what you have borrowed. 7 feed the hungry and clothe the poor. 8 do not lend money for profit. 9 do not kill. 10 do not do any evil and be just and honest in all your dealings. How hard can this be Israel, Jehovah’s witnesses? Israel, the God of Israel is judging you. Your proud of Bethel, Gilead, but down your temples will come like the white washed walls that they are, you have placed your idols upon your heart, thereby you feel no natural affection for one another, just a forced pretentious kind, that can not be true. The laws that you add to the God of Israel and they, are what put you into this dying condition they are what drag you down, Israel, you have been judged along with Babylon the great city, that used to be known as Jerusalem, and the proverb, to do with Babylon, comes into effect here, like mother like daughter, for Babylon is the mother of them all. Babylon is the mother of all the disgusting things of the earth. And Israel, you too are being judged along with all the kings of the earth, you should not have relied on pharaoh in the final. You have been caught Israel like an animal in a snare, you have become ritualised and hypocritical just like the first nations of Israel, Just like your fore fathers, you are guilty like them. The house of Israel are being judged on the borders of Israel, they are being judged before the kingdom arrives and they will not be brought into their right condition until they are upon the soil of Israel. You are in no condition now, because of your fornication with the idols, the idols that you have placed upon your hearts, you Israel have turned the books that you love to publish into manmade idols and your temples that you love to visit, the temples that you have so much pride in, these are the stumbling blocks that have caused you to error. And the errors by which you are known the two lies that you are famous for, your two prophesies that failed miserably, these are your two errors by which you are known. You are proud of the words that you use, so many in which you try to prove of Gods existence, with your close detail to words, words, words, and more words that you love, you give your speeches with all your detail to the renderings of these words, your so proud of your intellectualism, by this you try to prove Jehovah’s existence. Why do you walk around like a peacock when you are guilty of pride, surly at this stage you must know how much the God of truth hates this pride, and it maddens the man of inspired expression, the one who has been sent to you? You desire to be just like the nations with all your levels of structure, think about it Israel, with all your over seers and your kingdom publishers your elders, you desire to be just like the nations. You are just like the nations. You have become haughty and proud only listening to your selves, not the God of Israel. You do not test the inspired expression, so you blindly veer away from the truth and now I am asking you to come back to me Israel, says the God of Israel. Turn your hearts of stone into a heart of flesh, every prophet who was ever sent to you, you ignore, believing that Jehovah could never send a man like this one. But the God of Israel sends whom so ever he likes, he takes the lowly one and exalts him to a position that’s high. Who are you to judge these prophets? You believe too much in your idols of wood and stone to ever conceive that your God would send in a man to tell you that you are idolatrous and yet you quote the prophets of old, the prophets that were sent to your fore fathers, but when one is sent to you, you dismiss him as a fool. You just never listen and when a prophet with all the credentials comes to you, what do you do? You send him away. Why? Because you are more interested in your organisation, but all that is about to fall, then what will you do, Israel?

If it is impossible for the God of truth to lie, then how can the house of Israel [Jehovah’s witnesses] say they represent him? Surly the God who cannot lie, my God, the God who I believe in would distance him self from them at least rebuking them until they turned back to him with a clean heart. And that’s exactly what he does he rebukes them. What more can I say to you Israel? How many times must you be reprimanded for your pride? When will you stop believing in your selves and start to believe in me, the God of Israel? I am not among your idols, I am not among your multitude of words, I exist in the heavens, and you exist on the earth. All your idols are meaningless; Jehovah does not exist among them. The God of Israel rebukes you, so that your may come back to him with a clean and undefiled heart, leaving your idols behind you, the works of your own two hands. Israel’s witnesses are liars and idolaters in the first degree they bow to the works of their own two hands, such as   their temples, they love to visit their temples, in this respect they are just like the nations, their pride is in the wood and stone of the buildings. It is not even in the God of Israel any more but they keep looking to the intellectuals of the nations, as if to say, “for goodness sakes, look at us now, see what we have achieved will you not believe us now after all we have done with all these buildings we have made. But do you know what Israel? The nations, they don’t give a care about you, you want so much for them to be impressed with all your works, your buildings that you can build in just three days, the words that you take pains to transcribe from all the various tongues. You really do believe that you can proof Gods existence but you never will and the nations laugh at you with such derision, they have no respect for you. The Jehovah’s witnesses are such a mirror image of their fore father’s the house of Israel that the


last part
last part
