scripture Ezekiel is applicable
at this very time. When you open up the prophet you can place the name Jehovah’s witnesses in the place were the house
of Israel is placed. Why? Because they are doing the very same thing as that their father’s were doing at that time,
they are putting the works of their two hands before their very own people, they have traded a heart of flesh for a heart
of stone. A man who went to these people, because he had a problem with seeing one of the women of the organisation, the elders
coldly said they would deal with him the very next day. Too late, he committed suicide, he hung him self. Instead of making
time for this man and telling him it was something they too had gone through, for it seams like they have all gone through
this fancying of women in their organisation at one time or another, and gone and had affairs with them. Instead of sitting
him down and reassuring him that it would be all right, they ignored him telling him that they would deal with him the very
next day, in a cold way. They self-righteously made him feel like he was the only one who had ever done this, bad mistake,
because now they have his blood upon their hands. There are more suicides taking place in this organisation, only recently
two people I know committed suicide as a direct result of these people, so called people of God. I truly believe that it is
my responsibility to blow the proverbial horn or whistle on these people and call for justice to be done with regards to them
and their lies. They are a sick and sorry organisation with blood guilt upon their hands, which they would never admit to,
but these people are killing them selves as a direct result of feeling trapped by the institutions extra law’s. but
I am here and I am just as stubborn and hard headed, as hard as diamond and I believe that my God will humiliate these stubborn,
hard headed self righteous people, letting them know that they are as guilty as the organisations that they were so quick
to condemn . People of Israel [Jehovah’s witnesses], test the inspired expression one more time, look in the prophet
Ezekiel and see that the house of Israel are identical to the Jehovah’s witnesses. There have been ten thousand paedophiles
added to their lists; have every one of these people truly repented? Because, to be a Jehovah’s Witness can be a perfect
hiding place, time will tell, we will see. It was only while reading the book of the prophet’s my self some time before
and after I had finished with them, because you see I could never join them. I could not imagine being with these people all
the time, they were depressing people to be around. Only recently I heard that one of them, a guy who I thought was a rock
in their organisation had hung him self. I felt sad but I just thought that this is were this thing with the Jehovah’s
Witness’s ends. Depression, deep depression and then death. If only I could have gotten to him and explained what I
had found in the prophet Ezekiel regarding the house of Israel’s rebuking in the last day’s they had connected
them selves up to the house, so they had left them selves open to be rebuked as the house of Israel in the prophet Ezekiel.
This prophet had them nailed to the ground. They can’t really deny that they are the house of Israel so they have to
take the rebuke. They have taken tons of money from old ladies close to their death’s and still do on the strength of
their two lies. They have gained all of their riches by means of fraud, deception and cunning. They deserve to have it all
taken from them, they should never have been allowed to take any of this money from these willing people, because it was all
taken after 1925 their first lie, were they said the prophets would return to usher in a new age of bliss. They never did
return, the people they said would return, because the elder who said they would return was not given this information by
the God of truth and it makes this very clear in Ezekiel by saying that these prophets have put them selves in these positions
were they
Prophesy from their own
hearts. The God of Israel say’s they have appointed them selves, these leaders. So they are self appointed hypocrites
lying and taking money by means of lies. They could be taken to court on the basis of this alone. They appointed leaders over
Israel speaking on behalf of God when he says through the prophet 4000, year’s ago, and that he did not send these.
I never sent them, they speak on my behalf but I never sent them. It is now up to the nation’s to use this information
that I have given to them, for it has plagued me now for 10 year’s or more and I can do nothing more but tell what I
see, believe me the whole thing has almost been impossible for me, I have got to trust my God to get me through the whole
thing, for it is a huge responsibility, and one were I believe my family to be at risk, but I believe that if I do not give
warning then they will truly be at risk from my own God because I did not give the warning, just imagine what that feels like,
I have already lost my brother, I pray that I loose no one else, and I must trust my God. If my family suddenly disappears,
then you will know what’s happened. But any how, I believe what I have written to be true; I would not have gone through
what I have if I did not believe. I am giving this to the nations so they can use it any way the want, because I have had
all that I can take. The truth as I believe is this, the Jehovah’s witnesses are the house of Israel, according to the
prophet Ezekiel, and that prophet told of their lies 4,000 year’s ago, he said they would be just like their fore father’s,
a white washed wall, that make money on the strength of lies, they take money from widow’s supposedly, under legal say
-so, but they are liars who have lied in the king of Israel’s name to build up temples and publishing houses to publish
their book’s of pride. The money will be taken back of these liar’s by the nation’s according to the prophecy,
the Gap that has been made, has been made by the witnesses them selves, their two lie’s, this is the Gap by which
the nation’s will pass through and take complete harness of the Jehovah’s witnesses. It is like the prophecy say’s
the nations have them in a harness all because of their two lies. All their temples will be taken from them, in a court of
law they can be proved as having lied in Jehovah’s name. I have felt in danger, but I will trust my God, these people
can get nasty too, but they will be proven as liar’s who lied in my God’s name, by a court of law, they are dangerous
to, to peoples health, as quite a few of them have killed them selves because of the confusion these people have caused. But
all these people have to do is realise that they, the Jehovah’s witnesses are liars in Jehovah’s name, beyond
a shadow of doubt. So, do not worry in the least, if you want me to explain, to relieve your worry about being disloyal to
the great God Jehovah, I will explain, and it is no devil working with in me, it is simple truth that can not be denied. The
house of Israel lied, and they are the Jehovah’s witnesses, they are one and the same. When it all fall’s apart
and you are in exile, remember they were the one’s who had you believing the lie that they have never lied. This is
all that I can say at the moment.
Damien Davis.
