List of contents

If only

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2

If Only we had Just...............




If only each and every one of us had only lived by the law that was given to us by the God of Israel.

Then we would have had Peace.

We would have continued to live in Peace.

There is no need for false piety, there is no reason to feel Holier than everyone else, it isn't a competition, for we are all, or should be all Brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters who belong to God.

The Earth does not belong to us; we are mere caretakers of it,

And we are only Brothers and sisters in God, if we choose to be; if we are not brothers and sisters in God then the opposite is Satan.

There are only two roads in these late times.

We have destroyed it all; the Earth in all of its splendour is not what it used to be.

It is a burnt out wreck of an Earth, a burned out Mountain so to speak.

As Long as we keep on breaking the law of God, then we shall go on making our continuous mistakes.

Surly it's now time to take stock.

The law of Israel is what would keep the Human family together, without any of the extra laws that weigh the Human race down.

Those laws that the organised religions adopt.

The laws of men are what have destroyed it all, all of it.

It is the law of men that have caused the violence to flourish the way that it has.

They have caused widespread confusion, where as with the law of the God of Israel, we can know exactly where we stand.

The House of Israel has added to the law.

Babylon The Great have added to the law.

The Kings of the Earth, they too have added to the law.

In fact Murderers and Paedophiles go free.

How is there ever to be Peace on the Earth?

There will never be Peace until the God of Israel, who's laws, he said are eternal, are lived by, by all of humanity.

But the bloodletting continues unabated, because the laws are warped.

If everyone knew that death was a payment for breaking the law, would it stop him or her killing?

If it were instant death a person would think long and hard before murdering, But I think that maybe it’s too late for these laws.

Because it is all warped, there is simply no justice upon the Earth, we live by an American type of Law that is filled with Loopholes whereby murders and rapists go free.

There is no justice and it would seem that people do not want it.

The Jews have added to the law of Jehovah.

The House of Israel and Babylon in its entirety have added along with the Kings of the Earth have all added to this law that was perfect.

They have become ritualised.

Rituals do not help anyone rituals are for sick People.

The God Of Abraham never ever meant there to be all of these rituals.

A ritual, or examples of were we have all gone with our ritualised behaviour even to the extent of hand washing.

If a member of a family were hand washing to excess, you would say that he had a problem, in the Emotional department.


The law's that where given by Moses where given for the Protection of the entire House of Israel and their welfare.

But all these religious rituals, they take away for the true law of God.

The hinder the mind.

You have been told that love is the greatest thing; and so it is.


To love one another from the heart;

To Love one another from the heart, this rules out much ritualised behaviour.

To have a Friend is probably the greatest thing on Earth, A true Friend, not one who will drag you into something, which you know, is wrong.

This is what the law and life is all about.

The Israelites weigh themselves down with trying to do good and they end up breaking the law, by falling back into ritual, and so they make them selves and others who join them sick as pigs, because there is a real judgement on those who exclude Love.


There own books have ritualised the Israelites, they are slaves to them, and they are slaves to words.

There is no end to their repetition; their weekly and monthly books say absolutely nothing new.

They continue to say the same old thing over and over again, to no avail, except to make those around them sick.


They are trying desperately to get the People to conform to their rules, and what are these?


You must get to the meetings on time,

They have almost convinced these people that if they do not get to the meetings on time, then they will be doomed.


You must read all of the magazines that we publish.

No matter what way that they say it, this is what they mean, you must you must: you must............

You must study; otherwise you risk Loosing out on the Kingdom:

For young teenagers:

You must not masturbate....

You must write down all of the hours of service that you have done to Jehovah and publish them.


So they can boast on how many hours and People they have brought into the fold.

This is all they are about; Numbers and nothing more, they are not about Love.

They are boasters in their own efforts as they hold up all that they achieve to the nations and say. 'Look what we have done, does this not prove there is a God?

No it does not, God is known only by the act of faith and belief.

And you must put in all the hours that God sends you into serving Jehovah, you must, you must, you must, its slavery, there is no natural Love in any of this.


There is not really a lot that they are saying, there is no end to the books they publish and so they fulfil the scriptures, Israel you have loved to Publish.


The Israelites have joined in the race to be the best at publishing and writers of books on the Bible.

They Boast that the Bible has been published in over two hundred and something languages.

They have put this down to Jehovah doing great work; But Jehovah has said absolutely nothing to them at all.

They have appointed their own Kings and set up their own elders as if the Kingdom was already here, and again they fulfil scripture by these very acts.

They speak when I have not spoken' says Jehovah.



They publish them and they tire their own People out, their people are wasting away due to following these people, scripture, this is scripture, not my wish or anything like that.

With their questions underneath each of the articles, they are burning them out, the people.

Study study study, you must; you must; you must; you must study the books that we give to you and not the word of God, but what we give to you.

They must answer up at the meetings, at all times, they must get involved, there is so much head work that the last thing that you want to do is get involved.

There is just too much in the head and not enough in the heart, you know?

The Heart is were the love of a person is felt and experienced.

They are trying desperately to be intellectuals; their ambition is to match up to secular intellectualism.

They are trying to be cleaner than everyone else.

Is this what Jehovah wants of his people; is this what Jesus wants of his people?


No this is not what they want at all, the Catholic Church is guilty of the same kind of confusion, they. The witnesses of Israel are guilty of wanting to be like the nations and the Holy Catholic Church; they want to be just like the Nations in administering to wood and stone.

The stone is their temples and the wood is their book that they love to print and to publish.

They Love to publish as it so clearly states in the Word of God.

They Love to Publish as it states, in Amos.

You are not supposed to be trying to raise your self’s above your neighbours you are equal to them and not above them, but they are playing the same game as the Jew's, they have a Love for the Law, in fact they have a love for the letter of the law, they strain the Nat and swallow the camel.

They fulfil scripture.

If you cannot feel this Love for your neighbour's, then you can at least try to get along with them, before it all gets well bent out of shape. Because if you don’t get along with your own people and your neighbour's then certainly hard times are going to be ahead, and the worst will come, if you don’t listen to what God has to say then expect the total destruction that he has outlined in his word.

The land will spit you off for sure.


Most of the time your neighbour is searching for the same thing as you, searching for, Love and Peace, contentment, all the things the human spirit craves.

That is how you are like your brother and your sister; there is no real difference at all.

A person can write books for a thousand years to disprove evolution and that everything was made to it's own kind.

The Israelites have been doing this now for a thousand years, this is why I am telling these people that they are just like their forefathers in many respects.

They are trying to prove that God exist and you cannot and will not do this, for it is by an act of faith and faith only.

If you do not believe without seeing, then what use is it?

It would be easy to believe if you had miracles performed for you all the time, if you had had the anointed one come of the Stake, cross, tree.

If they want to believe that we descended from the ape, then they will do so, nothing on earth will make them think any other way.

The Kingdom has only been opened to the few, the non believers are non believers, they are this way because they have not been chosen, so I think it would be wise for those with non believe to seriously ask them selves why they don’t believe.

It would seem that they have been blocked from believing, because they refuse to believe by faith which is an act of not seeing, for this is what is required.

You must believe without seeing, you will not receive a sign, no way will anyone receive a sign, for you will not have it so easy.

And even if you People where given a sign, you would dismiss it and say that it was a con and that it was something else.

You cannot be convinced, but this is the worrying thing, this is the block, you really have been blinded, until you ask for help from this God, and when you genuinely ask for help, then you will receive it, your eyes will be opened.

It's a perfect set up, until you ask if you can see, then you will not see.


All of the knowledge and the books in all of the world will not make a shred of difference, ever, at all, ever, ever.

But deep down in every person there is a nagging doubt, is he, does he, will he?

All these questions cannot be answered by the knowledge that you have.


Because, these are things of God

If you want to believe then you must ask God "God can I believe?"

And you have to ask it in his Sons name, otherwise you will not be heard.

You will look around and you will see the wonders of the earth and you will wonder who did it all? And the answer is very close; it is as close as the question.


If you see all of this and you say that there is no creator, then this is simply and act of stupidity, because the marks of intelligent design is certainly there.

There are so many wonders to see, that you just have to consider that at least maybe they where made by someone's hand, and if you don’t then you really are shutting up a certain kind of thought and to do this, is not investigating all kinds of thought.

A person has got to consider all kinds of thought.

I mean the distance of the sun to the earth, a person could indeed write a list and it would never end, you could go on and on and on and on and on.

When you consider it all and feel it all you cannot help but be left with a feeling of complete awe, for it is truly awe inspiring and nothing less.

Even when you consider a small proportion of it, you are left with a desire to give something credit, something.

Mans own mind is a universe onto itself and there are billions of these little universes on the Earth.

When you consider even a small portion of it all you are left with is a feeling of there’s got to be something to it all.

But you will not convince the man who does not want to be convinced; he is stuck in his own way, or belief.

But he too is bound to have the nagging doubt in his mind, just as a person who does believe, he has the nagging doubt that maybe there is nothing.

If the atheist does not admit to having this thought then he is denying his own thinking ability.

To wonder awhile on whether God actually exists or not can bring an entire new open field in itself.

A person who prides him self on thinking like these so called great thinker's has got to have considered at one stage in his or her life, that maybe there is a God.


But you will not convince him, because he wants proof, which would have God come up to him and do a few tricks for him, but you see, even then with that, he still would not be satisfied.


Because it has been decreed that they will never understand and that there will be no satisfying them.

In the story of the parting of the red sea, where JEHOVAH splits the red sea and allows his people to pass through, we are given an example of how men disbelieve what they see.

For even after seeing such a spectacle, they still proceed to follow the Israelites into the Red sea.

Its like they do not believe what they are seeing, I mean you would think that they would use their own reason and say, who hang on a min, there is something very strange happening here, are we to be expected to go on after seeing this.

That is just what they did; they went right ahead in and died in the process.

What on earth did they think they where doing?

Even after all of the signs that God had given to Pharaoh, he still went against him, this shows that Jehovah had built this King for the purpose.

He did exactly what God had ordained him to do, he was literally a puppet on a string, and doing everything that God had wanted him to do.


So even when a man is given a great sign in this day, he rationalises it as has been a trick.


In this day he puts most of what he sees down to science, explainable by this new god.

What could be more amazing than a human being or any animal that lives on earth?

These are miracles that we take for granted.

The fact that we live in space and time as living souls are miracles that defy explanation.

If we as mere mortals can live as we do then surly it is possible for another entity such as a creator to exist on his terms, on a different plain, but don’t think for a moment that I am here trying to prove God, because it is simply not possible.


But it is possible to believe.

The breath in a mans body, when it goes out, he is dead, no more; he is snuffed out just like a candle.

And yet, even with death, we are astounded by what we are seeing, where has the man gone?

He was there just a while ago, so where is he gone.

The truth, he is dead, gone, never to be returned, only has the creator of humanity got the power to bring back to life what is dead.


You don’t have the power, for sure, only the one, which brought into existence everything that, exists, it is only he who has the power.

On the level of manmade miracles, an Airplane up in the sky,

Tons of metal floating on thin air, can you comprehend that this is an amazing thing.



If we could see God on his throne we could possibly try and explain him away with the use of science.

We would probably say something like, Oh he’s made up of so many atoms neutrons gasses and he is a product of the universe being alive or becoming alive.

We're so arrogant we would try anything.

We would explain him away but the fact is he would be still there and there would be nothing anyone could do about it.

He would still hold the greatest position of power and the greatest card of all.

Man had achieved part of the heavens he has supposedly put moving carriages on the moon and in space, he has certainly put them among the clouds.

He desires to know it all.

There has been signs in the heavens, we are seeing telecommunications up in space picking up information and beaming it up and back down again.

Human beings can create all of these things down here on earth, we who are mere ants on the planet can create all of these things on earth and yet we cannot conceive or at least some of us cannot conceive of a body out there in space, somewhere out there called God who has the power over the heavens and the earth and all that are in the heavens.

Why is it so hard to believe that the planets and their theories of a belt of dust forming into rocks and then into planets having thought behind it?

Me I find it so easy, as do many others, so what is the problem?

I mean you don’t actually have to look too fat at all to see that their is thought behind the whole thing.

The reason I would say is because most men on earth know there is a God due to having an abundance of proofs, I mean scientists etc, but yet they are not willing to admit that their is a God, like a secret packed between men who are born liars.



Well if we can create all thee things and if we can take a tree and turn it into paper, this in it self is something of a miracle, that we would go to such trouble to communicate with out people is astounding.

And if we go from paper to building a computer that can store an amazing amount of information, again it is showing us a miracle right there.


There seems to be no end to what we can with technology and yet we still deny God, but we don’t mind comparing ourselves to them these gods.

No not at all.

We have even thought up the concept of God, a creator, but why?

Why do we do this when some people feel uncomfortable with the idea?

Did we put this concept there in our own minds, or was it put there?

We did not create our own minds so I don’t think we thought of our own thoughts even, they are just there.



They Sqeeze you just to watch you squirm' the musical genuis said to me one night and I knew just what he meant.
This lad is on the street, because he canott find no place to lay his head, and why?
Because no one gives a dam, thats all.
He is on the street, because for one reason, he canott stay at Home, because there is nothing but trouble and griefe at Home.
This Kid is also a potential musical genius who is going to waste, and does Ireland give a dam/
Na,Na, Na, Nai am afraid is the answer, the Shepards of OL' Ireland care not for the North siders or the even the South siders for that matter.
I watched this lad playing on this particular night, as I walked into my usual boring three songs on a tuesday night at the Battleoftheaxe, and even though this kid was having the usual problems as I do my self with bad P.A systems, from Pub managers who could not give a care at all for up coming talent, He sang a haunting refrain from one of his own self penned songs, IV'e got no place to stat'. He captivated the audience with the truth, you could see that this lad was on the Homeless list and no were to go, so that he was actually living the song.

He truly had no were to lay his head, and no one was about to put him up for the night either.

I don't expect them to, but there are solutions to these problems, if so many People can send so much  Money to Tsunami, then we can spend Money on our own Homeless Problem, and solve it once and for all.

There is not that many people Homeless that the problem can't be fixed, by building some kind of shelters for the Homless, Proper Shelters with Beds and Food and People who are there on a full time basis with a loving attitude for the people who are down.

It's our fault that these people are the way they are and no one elses.

What does the Irish Goverment do for this Singer Songwriter?

Zero, Nothing at all, and how do I know, 'cause I happen to be one my self, a musician and I know from first hand expieriance.