The Catholic Religion] Ezekiel with regard to Jerusalem spread throughout the entire Earth.
She is to blame for all of the deaths on Earth along with its entire sister religions, and all of the Wars fought
throughout the history of mankind?
The Priests are just as lost as anyone of us, this is the time of Ezekiel, and I say so at the risk of been laughed
at, its something that I think I have gotten used to now, considering I have had to out up with it all of my young life.
The Spirit of God revives the Prophet in Dirge, to place judgement upon the Kings of the Earth and the Priests
and Bishops, Princes and Lords]
The Priests of Jerusalem and the greater part of Babylon, I dare anyone of you out there to wait outside of any
church on any given Sunday, and report back to me what you see.
Think about what you see as you watch these people walk out and ask your self if they look healthy or not.
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Babylon Revealed

Babylon http://www.vatican.vaBabylon, you who reside among the nations, you
that have had your breasts squeezed by the men of valour, men of bravery, men in high places, in fact the top ranking men
of the earth, you defiled your selves with all that you desired, a young harlot in purple and scarlet attire.
You became famous throughout the Earth; you polluted your rivers,
the polluted rivers of spirituality.
You great Babylon have defiled your self since the days of your youth,
you whom the LORD found as a babe and picked you up and lovingly nursed you onto your youth, and you became a youth when the
lord Jehovah dressed you and made you the envy of many and then you where ready to meet your generals and colonels and your
captains, princes and lords. You began to lust after all these men and went after and took them into your bed.
You broke away from your husbandly owner, the lord Jehovah,
of Israel, yes, as Jerusalem you caroused around and became a lustful young harlot who broke your Husbands Heart, Jehovah's
heart with all your unfaithfulness, taking bribes, you played lustfully with the top ranking ones of the Earth.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the Whore, Jerusalem, Jerusalem
the harlot, Jerusalem, Jerusalem in purple and scarlot, Jerusalem a prostitute for hire.
Guilty, Oh Guilty is Babylon as Jerusalem as Catholic for you
are one and the same, identified fully for the nations.
For all your young men you made pass through the fire, Oh Babylon, Oh
Babylon says the LORD of creation "How many times I have wanted to gather your children, like a hen gathers it's chicks,
Great Babylon Great Babylon mother of abomination's of the EARTH. Mother of harlot’s, She is a blood-guilty city for
the prophet to judge.
She has not changed and has not cleansed for she cannot be cleansed,
for her filth is so great, the blood within her house is high and wide and deep.
She is guilty of the deaths of all those who would be HOLY.
she has killed many a righteous man. .
She is defiled due to the abundance of all of her errors and
murders throughout all of time, throughout all of the generations, since the time of Jerusalem right up to the time of Great
She is famous among the nations and is known for her pride and
arrogance and her dress of purple and scarlet, the dress of the old Roman Empire.
No longer can she be hidden, for the CATHOLIC religion
is BABYLON and is JERUSALEM, for when she was young she was known as JERUSALEM and now she is a mother, she is now called
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city I loved says the LORD of
Israel, the lord of Justice and righteousness, Babylon the mother of all harlots has come to be known throughout all of the
She will go down and not rise up, like a stone she has sunk
to the bottom of the sea.
Jerusalem Jerusalem, slayer of the prophets, she has come to be known in all of the Earth.
The lord of the earth has judged her.
Let Jesus be the mediator of the new covenant, the King of Israel.
He shall bring Israel back under his Kingship and not through the
Church or Priest or Bishop or Cardinal, for they have all been defiled, but He will gather the Nations.
Jerusalem as the bride, Jerusalem shall be renewed, the bride
of the LORD of creation.
For the mother of harlots has fallen, great Babylon, the old
She has been revealed made know throughout the earth the lord
of Israel has revealed your identity by the power of the Spirit, he has judged the harlot, the Woman who once had a kingdom
over the Kings of the earth. She has been finally made known. She was afraid of this day coming along and now it is here,
where she is most definitely spoken of through the prophets by the spirit of God and the judgements come from him, and now
it is peoples duty after they hear these words to flee from, to get out now while there is still a chance.
There is no spirituality within her, only death, you can’t
stay inside an institute that has been judged by the God you are seeking? Anyone who stays within her churches will be
judged along with her for her deeds have gone clear up to the heavens, see her judgements, it is the very same for the
[house of Israel,] for they have been judged too.
They are wasting away in their error, but so too are the
Catholic religion, as Babylon, [they will look each one to the other as they waste away in their error, the error of remaining
within this organisation. People, you have seen the film, the Magdalene sisters' and as the girl says in the film, you are
not a man of God, this is Babylon the great which has been judged by The Lord of truth.
He is the judge of the Earth and he has judged her out-right, the
advice to anyone who is within this institute is to run now and never step a foot within her walls again. Go now before
it is too late.
And the United Nations has gone into perdition. , United
no more, they the Governments of the earth do so despise the Harlot. They do so hate the Catholic religion.
The judgements by GOD have arrived, Israel is upon the world
stage and has told two lies, and Babylon too is upon the world stage and she is known as the Catholic Church. .
The Catholic religion is the Roman Empire, and as Jerusalem
of old.
She is suffering all the jeering and the whistling that are
described in the book of lamentations. This, along with all the other prophets nails this corrupt organisation to the wall
with her blood lust down through the centuries.
If the House of Israel got anything right it was identifying
this institute by its proverbial name, BABYLON THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS, this is something that not only they should know, but
also the whole Earth should know who she is. She must know that she has been judged and that anyone who stay's within her
churches to try and reach God shall in no way be able to do so, for she [CATHOLIC CHURCH] is under heavy judgement and cant
escape her downfall.
All that we are seeing through the papers regarding her Priests
and their crimes is her downfall.
One day it will be a headline in a newspaper.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, full of Priests and Cardinals who have
betrayed the Holy Covenant, there is no going back now for all of these men now, except out of the Order.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, slayer of the prophets, go into any church
in the world and you have walked into Jerusalem, Babylon the harlot, full of Idolatry and her spirituality has dried up. In
her, is found Candles, Incense, Gold, Marble, Ivory, Brass, Fine flour, Coaches, Wheat, Slaves, Bride and Bridegroom,
Musicians, Pipers and harpists, millstone and the blood of all of the prophets whom she killed, Great Babylon mother of harlots
and the disgusting things of the earth.
And over seven major empires she has sat, from the Time of, Babylon,
Egypt Assyria, Media/Persia, Greece, and the sixth as John says in the new testament was Rome, and the Seventh---------------------------------Britain/America, a
dual world Empire like Media/Persia. Out of the ashes of this final Kingdom will arise the true kingdom of God.
And after all of this has fallen, out of its ashes will raise
a kingdom, the kingdom of God.
Great Babylon will long be forgotten, her and all of her crimes
against God and man.
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, weep for your end is now.
Your husbandly owner has judged you, he has judged you and left
you bereft of all your children. The priests walk along the road looking lost and forlorn knowing that their mother is dead,
Great Babylon is dead.
And now that you know who she is you must, if you believe in
the Christ, you must leave her to perish or else perish with her. Babylon has fallen, weep not for her, for she has caused
bitterness among the people of the earth, she has caused such stress and even insanity among her Occupants, Babylon, the great
mistress of the nations, her priests with their smocks of black and white, and the women with their viels upon their heads,
Nuns, Capturing souls alive as if they where a prize to be won, Both the house of Israel and Babylon are guilty for this. In
the past they where wicked wicked people destroying young girls, in convents, forcing Jesus down their throats destroying
any connection between them selves and the true King of righteousness.
Catholicism has been compared to an unclean pot before, and
now it is been done again, because it has not been cleansed, it is like dirty dishwater inside a pot and now it is time to
throw it out, it is no good any more, its guilt is huge. it has the guilt of so many millions of Jews, they wont forgive them
and why should you, when their is a judgement against them from God him self.
Now, how can you people go into her churches every week.
Because God is there?
No, he is not, Babylon is an empty shell that houses nothing
but filth and you who believe in God should know this, you should also know that he does not live in handmade temples, so
get out of her.
If he does not live in the houses [Churches] the houses of Babylon,
then why do you insist in going in there to look for him? He has told you in the Holy books that he does not reside in these
temples, and why do you worship Mary as the Mother of God, he is the first and the last, there is no one before him. You worship
the Queen of the heavens, and so fulfil scripture.
There is but only one mediator between man and GOD and this
is his Son.
You people will accuse a man of speaking proverbial
sayings , because history has a habit of repeating itself. .
I feel that I have the duty and the right and the
Authority to attack and bring her down for I have witnessed the damage she has caused, most of all,, I feel
totally compelled to do what I do, to besiege her with all the words that I am inspired to put against her. Words that
will leave holes within her walls, so that the people will know who and what she, Great Babylon has done. All you people
will have to do is to look with your own two eyes at her judgement, the attacks by the media, they look like the attacks by
the media, but they are inspired attacks told of two thousand years ago. Attacks by singers and actors, comedians, they all
hold Great Babylon up to ridicule.
Everybody who passes by Babylon
and jeers her residents, just as prophesied in the book of the Israelites.
She weeps because there is no one to comfort her from among
all of her lovers. There will soon be no one from among all of the nations who will go near her for fear of her fate.
She is doomed, she is destined to fall, for she never cared
for her children that she was given to look after by the GOD of the Israelites, she failed miserably to do what she was supposed
to do, which was to guide the people out of darkness and into the light. .
For she is darkness, total darkness, she is no light to the
children of the Earth. She [religion of the Catholic variety] has only cared for her self.
Lived in the lap of luxury with absolutely no thought for the
homeless and the destitute of the EARTH.
She has taken money from her Churchgoers like adults would
take candy from a baby, Money and luxury that she has lavished in right through the centuries.
She knew that the GOD of Israel had her nailed and judged, she
recognised her self in scripture a long long time ago, and during the inquisition she killed the prophets who identified her.
She knew the people had this information about her and had she
not killed all of these true men of God she would not have had a chance of survival.
True saints and true prophets who died trying to get the truth
out to the public about Babylon . . . . . . . .
And now you know that your ancestors, your very own people died
at the hands of these people. All these people were done away with because she tried and succeeded in hiding her identity
for all those years, but no more, the time is now there will be no more delay.
Come you people an' I will show you the Judgement upon
the great Prostitute who sits upon many waters as each river dry up slowly but surly. Come you people and I will
show you the woman who wears the colours of the old garments of Roman Empire, for she is Rome, and seven great nations have
come and gone since she first came into existence------look as she wears her with the colours of the old Roman Empire.
Bring her down. And watch as the people of the largest Empires bring her down in a hail of indignities, as she is shamed out
of existence as the parents of the children she systematically abused both physically and mentally, they bring writs against
her in numerous quantities.
Come you people of the earth and look upon her shame for she
is fully naked. Babylon the great Babylon, she weeps because there
is none to comfort her from among all of her lovers, and there will soon be no one from all of the nations who will go any
where near her, if the believers insist in continuing to go onto her houses, they will be seen as part of Babylon.
The revelation is not for nothing, it is divine judgement
upon this organisation, before the coming of the Great day.
She will fall, for all of her children she did not care, the
children she was given to look after by the God of Israel, she has lost a great many, there are hordes of them slain among
the proverbial streets of Jerusalem.
The revealing of all the crimes by her priests has been told
from long ago, she, and they are known as Babylon, in all of the prophets.
She is spoken of in all of these
Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, Babylon, your end is assured and
it is now, Vatican City, you have been revealed, Vatican City, you have been revealed.
Rome, Rome, Rome, Rome, you are known and this has become a dirge Babylon ...Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Jerusalem,
Jerusalem, one and the same, you have been shamed among all of the nations, all because you went against your husband, Lord
Babylon, I foresee you’re great structures falling
down around your ears, your destiny lies beneath the stones, your fall will soon be Complete.
You have no hope of ever withstanding your Judgement.
It's final; your churches will be closed and sold over to the
Your finished Babylon, your luxury has drained from you, sell
up what ever you have and begin your new life-styles without your lying Holiness.
You have been a lie from the start and your lies have been bitterly
uncovered for all of the earth’s people to see for all these people to see your shame.
The prophet has made a hole in your walls so that the people
who are passing by can see all of your past deeds, like the inquisition, your shame is universal, under your symbolic name
that the GOD of truth gave to you.
The people who have left and will leave your Catholic Churches
are all in exile, as the one who plays in dirge asks them to turn back one last time, so that they will come to the truth,
and what is that? I hear you ask.
The only one way there is to go is with the anointed one and
to believe in his teachings and to follow his commands that lead to life.
How many shall be lost and at what cost?
Uncountable, like the grains of sand on the seashore and they
are just people like you and me, real people with real feelings and emotions of different kinds.
To survive, the people need to love from the heart and they
need to leave their pious temples that are filled with false piety that cannot belong to God, or his Son, as he would
demand that it be given to the poor.
The world has got to make a dramatic change if it is to escape the
threat that still remains.
Religion has been used for all kinds of wars and the like throughout
the earth.
A system that is designed to cut people off and destroy
them is a system that should be cut off and destroyed.
The Priests have been revealed for who they are, the military
have been revealed for who they are, a bunch of war mongers who are like a spring waiting to be uncoiled, waiting for their
first opportunity to pounce for those who are their employers.
What a wonderful system we have created for our selves, a system
that causes lunacy to happen.
The Priests! We don’t need them any more, they are Godless
men pretending to be men of GOD, but they have been revealed as the Godless men they are, Paedophiles, and the others who
have concealed their acts are surly as guilty as they are.
Any efforts of diplomacy on the part of the Catholic Church,
bought and paid for by spin doctors will come to nothing, because what they do "change the image of the Catholic church" it
is just a last ditch dying attempt to breath life into the whore known as Babylon.
The people will not go in near her after her identity has been
made known, do you really believe that those who are already attending her churches will continue to do so, after it gets
out that they are walking into an institute that has been judged by the GOD that it babbles on about, with absolutely
no reverence.
The people who fear GOD would be crazy to continue on in her
churches, it would be comparable to a man going up to the throne of God and spitting in his face.
She has been judged by this God and so they must recognise her
for who she is, Rome+ Religion Catholic=Babylon. She is a wasted and spent shell.
People must listen to what is been said or else face judgement
that will be given to those who ignore the warning and arrogantly stay within her Churches, a similar judgement that is been
experienced by the house of Israel who profaned Gods Holy name. An "auto immune" disease is no joke at all; I certainly
would not walk into a church today to worship knowing that a judgement like this has fallen upon it.
Do you really believe that a GOD as pure and as Holy as Jehovah
would still be within her walls?
"Get out of her my people for her sins have massed up clear
to the heavens."
The GOD who judges her is strong, pay back to her double what
she has given, yes give her twice the amount of torment for in her heart she has continued to say, I am queen and I
will never know the loss of children.
She has left the children outside of her door while she lived
in the lap of pure luxury. But in one hour her judgement has arrived, her judgement and her luxury has dried up.
Do you know? That you could not drag?
Do you know that you could not drag one witness into a
church, because they can see the judgement that is upon her?
So it’s Purple and Scarlet for a Mysterious Harlot.
Those who are in her are sad and depressed and lonely and sick
and caught in-between a rock and a hard place, they no there is something wrong with her but they are afraid to leave her.
But they should not be afraid, they should be afraid to stay
within her walls.
It is like a sickness has been given to those who would arrogantly
defy the God of Israel. And they still continue to go in to her churches.
The body of Christ has always been his people and the church
of Christ has always been his people, those who believe him are his church. get out of her my people and see that she has
been found out, leave her and know that her destiny is the fire, there is only one way to the church of the Christ and it
is certainly not by or through the door or gates of the catholic Empire, for not a stone will be left upon a stone.
"You are not a man of God, you are not a man of God"
From the film, the Magdalene sisters, this film nails them to
the wall, the Church of Satan, and their acts show this, their abuse against little boys and girls were acts of wickedness
and total evil.
No! Anyone who continues to remain in these churches of the
Catholic faith will be feeling the same pain as they are, because they will be supporters of all that Evil.
No matter what they say and even if they say, 'O' but we would
never support what all them priests got up to, and God will say "but you are when you remain within her churches. By
staying there you are supporting all of that evil.
"Get out of her my people says the Lord for her sins are great
indeed, get out now or share in her guilt. Get out or share in her punishment.
Catholic religion has been revealed.
D Davis...