Tsunami, Tsunami, Let's collect all of this money for Tsunami, Looking at all of the bodies on the beach, I felt compassion
for those who were left behind, the victims as it were, and the World began to collect for the disaster and the Government
gave Pittance and the World failed again to see the bigger picture that was Tsunami.
The Nations
went ahead into Iraq and showed them it's power with great MOAB, They showed them, they even robbed the expressions from scripture,
saying things like 'They will think that it is Armageddon'.
What Blasphemy,
to use words which do not belong to them, against the people.
They pounded
the Earth with their shiny new weapons which must have been taken out freshly from there boxes as if they were left toys by
Satan, which ever.
They pounded
and the pounded and they pounded, MOAB, the mother of all bombs had it's day.
Don't you
believe that the so called conscience or Mother Earth as you like to call it, don't you think that the eye that always sees
got to see what you did?
Did you
really believe that the one who created the Earth and that is therein missed the war crimes that you carried out?
It should
be common sense at this point in time that the blasts to the atmosphere and the Earth have been Witnesses by a much greater
force than even you can imagine.
it would seem has risen up in order to crush the entire Earth in all of it's delicate balance.
To tread
down with its steel feet all that remains, fowling up it's rivers and it's Nile rivers which it has said belong to it;
You trash
around in your rivers fouling up and muddying it.
You America
have ruined the Earth and all that lays therein, with your great ambitions of power and wealth, you have attained many wonderful
things but at the expense of the poor of the Earth, you have become rich while others have starved and gone short of things
to eat, are you proud Pharaoh and you have spoken every kind of Blasphemy against the God of gods, Jehovah.