Why have the Nations gone as far as the Holy Land?
to bring democracy, their kind of democracy.
And why has the eagle and the Lion, both proud and arrogant and
willful to the point of boldness, gone inot a land from which they originated from, the area of Egypt, the cradle of Humanity.
The King from the South has come against the King of the North,
and the Prophets have come alive again, Daniel and Ezekiel have been reopned and Daniels King of the South has gone forth
inot the land of decoration in order to devote many to destruction.
Woe to the Earth for now they will not stop.
They have been brought back to the place were they were
born, to the cradle of civilisation.
The land of the Egyptian, the land of the Pharaoh, the place were
he was scattered throughout all of the Earth.
The Egyptians and the House of Israel, Judah and Ephraim, and
all of the decendents from those times were scatteredfar and wide, carried as leaves on a breeze to distant and far away lands
to bild or continue building up their proud Empires that crushed the lowley ones and used their children in a scarifice to
the god of fortress.
They never tired of mopping the blood from all of these bloody
battles in the worship pf a strange god, a foreghn god that their forefathers never knew.
The children of this time are now used in the sacrifice to the
god that protects democaracy and the money that goes to the god of protection or fortress, the nuclear arms that pin men to
the floor with the fear of it's out come, the finality of nuclear war.
'Pharaoh, I will come and bring you back to your birth place,
I will take you down, upon the mountains, in the desert' says the God of Israel.
It truly is astounding that such little thought is given to these
words in these late times.
Does no one see what is happening to the Earth and in particular
the Midddle East, in the Holy land.
It would appear that the book of the scripture has reopened it
self and the God therein has brought his final Pharaoh in on perfect cue, but can Pharaoh see this?
The performance has begun, beggining with Pharaoh [Bush] leading
all the Armies of the World inot the surrounding area of the Holy land.
And Ariel has built up a wall, it too been in accord with scripture.
As aProfessed Christian Bush has to know that what he has done
by leading all of these armies in to this area, he has inded fulfilled scripture.
And it's only a matter of time before he fulfills every word of
the part that he plays.
Woe to Ariel and Woe to the Nations that distress Israel, these
are striking words, reopened scriptures.
'Woe onto Ariel in the city were David encamped'.
Ariel Sharon is a real man, who just so happens to be a president
over the land of Israel, in these very dangerous times were man has the means to ruin Earth and devastate it to the
The World is led around by a dual World power, with Biblical symbols
that represent their beastly powers, powers that crush and destroy the sungular man and crowdes of men, in fact, men are no
problem to this crushing machine, the Eagle and the Lion, what h a Beast and it has indeed ascended out of the Sea, not the
lteral sea, but the sea of humanity.
It's a Beast, It's a Mountain and it is a horn, and it is an Idol,
for anything which is put above the singular man has no love or respect for any men.
How many have been sacrificed down through the eons of time in
order to build up this creation of an Idol.
And the Eight King was born from the seventh head, and the seventh
head ruled over the earth, and it came about after the 6th which was Rome.
The seventh been a dual World power, like Media/Persia.
And the seventh brought about a completion of ten Kings.
Ten Kings, a complete circle, the perfect o, knights of the round
table, so to speak.
The Eight King is One King who will rule all of mankind.
And Babylon gave it's great power over to to the eight King and
it ruled a little while.
And the eight King is One King who will rule over all of mankind.
1.Babylon 2.Egypt 3.Assyria. 4.Media/Persia 5.Greece. 6.Rome.
7th America/Britain. and it brings about the eight King.
I did not think all of this up my self, this is borrowed from
the great wealth of knowledge that belongs to the ones who compare themselves to thye Jews, the house of Israel, the Jehovahs
So this knowledge belongs to them and yet it belongs to no one
for God blessed them with certain truths, so that these truths would get out to the wider community.
The leaders of this one world goverment are now in the region
of the Holy Land, what are they doing there?
Fulfilling the Word of Jehovah.trying to bring about a democracy
to that region, if they do bring their ways to that regionthen they truly will be rubbing their hands together and saying'
Aha the gates of Jerusalem are opened to me, now I shall have my fill, for the people will be mine'. Fulfilling what is written
in the Word.
From the Prophet in Dirge.
But if they do go in then God promises to pay them back with a
loss of an entire City as in the time the city of Tyre was taken out.
The reason that the Bush administration went into Iraq in the
first place was to oust the 'Bad Leader' Saddam, but now that he is gone along with the threat, the Americans are still in
this area.
Have they a right to be in this area? or are they just fufilling
Prophecy, when they will open up a hole can of worms and the only thing that can come out of there been there is that they
will loose a great city.
They are in a very volatile situation by continuing on in the
Holy land, they have to realise that they are scraping a wound over and over again, by killing person after person.
I f they go in the Americans, then God Promises to pay them back
with the loss of an entire city, the decoration of there country, a City resembling Tyrus of old.
Now this particular knoledge has been inspired by myself, over
some years and I ma not trying to gain glory for my self, but i am trying to warn the people in order to try and save
The most likley City is New York for it is a great likeness to
Tyre in m any ways, it was built up bt people from the out side and lived in by people from the outside lands,
the came from many lands and lived and rowed her like a great ship at seas, this land by the coast a city of trade, like the
city of old.
Again I do not write this out of any hatrad for this land but
only that I have seen tha the likeness is astounding and is would appear that I was not the only one to make this observation.
I would enjoy seeing New York because I amd amazed at its structure
but its structure has caused untold deaths, trouble to the city built upon pride and arrogance and this City was built upon
just that.
The destruction which happened on the 9.11 was not the destruction
that I saw, what I saw was much bigger were Fire leaps up and consumes the entire City of New York, I am Writing this on the
15th,January 2005 so that were the E watchman has said that the City of Tyre resembles London England,
this is were we differ, I am saying that New York in particular is like Tyre, and not England.
I canott stand People who steral other mens Work, the Work which
I have started includes Songs which will have the comparisons to Tyre and a tree as well as the Titanic.
So the fact of him stealing from me, these comparisons may actually
help in the identification of dirges being struck up in these times, by a valid Prophet in Dirge.
The World it would appear is in a ripe old situation at this time
for siuch an event to occur.
I have written a asong about it and I will put it out when the
time is right and not in my own time, but in the time that mY God wants, for the times belong to him.
If it did not happen, then I will be happy to look a compleate
fool, but instead of you all calling me a fool, I think that you too should be happy if the event does not happen, if you
do call me a fool, then it will be guilt upon your head, because you will be letting it be known that you are in some
way dissapointed that the event did not take place.
We are liviin in a Wolrd were People are desiring such things
to happen and is surly wrong.
I f nothing happens then be happy, everyone it would seem is preparing
for something big to happen, because of the intense bombing that is taking place in Iraq.
I would wish for that City and all City's in the World nothing
but Peace, and not darkness and gloom.
I will be placing dates on anything that I write from
here on in, in other words, what you see with dates may have been written anywere between 2000 and 2002, because most of what
i write is from my textbooks.
The Reason is so that no one can Rob the things I
Jehovahs People
They Did not concentrate on these few laws,
if they had, then they would have seen that they were the house of Israel and that they were indeed the
Israelites that were bowing down to their handmade idols, the books the tracts and even the Bible it self with
all f and silver wRAPPINGS.
To get the news of the Kingdom across
to people does not entail making many many many books wit h words t hat would fill a library, if it did t hen no one
would get the clear bblical message that is there for every one
I have written the Lyrics for this song on the website, because
as yet i have not recorded the song , due to timing, but I know that the Song will be written, I wan't you all to remember
what happened to Jonah when he was told to go in to Ninevah to tell them of their doom, when Jehovah decided not to destroy
the City, because they turned back and repented of their deeds.
The Prophet may have been angry but the City was spared of the
New York is Like Tyre and not any other place, like E watchman
has New York City even has within it's Spelling Tyre
This part, Written 17.01.2005.
The World it would appear is in a ripe old situation for something
like this too happen.
My Songs are meant as a Warning to make people aware that
certain things place and will be proven in time.
People are getting sicker and sicker in Churches, why? because
they remain in places they should not be..
But tell me how do you get 50 old man and women to leave and to
change their minds for their health sake's.
How do you do it.If you know then tell me, for to suffer a wasting
illness is not something that I desire on these people.
Look at these people wallking in and out of the Churches and ask
your self if you notice anything about them?
Are they ill, i know that they are ill and are all the time complaining
about sickness and depression and it seems that they dive into this sickness, almost as if they are enjoying it, if this is
If God states that he would bring his four judgements and Plague
been one of these which is upon Great Babylon[ Catholicisim] and in these Churches the People will look at one another
in astonishment as the waste away in their error.
Then what is the answer?
LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE, that is the simple answer and find the true
Spiritual meaning, because take my Word, iif you Do not leave then you will truly get sicker and sicker and sicker.
Just like the Jehovahs Witnesss, always complaining about stomach
aches, depression, tiredness, M.E or Yuppie flu and even some even comitting suicide all because of the idol which is before
their faces.
they are being forced into breaking the major commands of God,
the commands they were supposed to be following, were they end up sleeping with other mens wifes, or even their own children,
some of them and by no means all of them.
Some of these people are truly looking for the truth, but they
must leave also and heed the word of God.
If they had concentrated on the commands in chapter 18 of Ezekiel,
but they did not concentrate on these few simple comands.
to get the news of th Kingdom out does not entail making many
many many books, large books filled with words bibles wrapped in gold guilt and silver , Idols everyone of them, they put
them into hglass cases, taking them down and beating them selves over the heads with the words in the book.
This is not what the good news of the kingdom is all about.
By doing this they are falling right into the trap of doing
exactley as he nations are doing, worshiping the works of their two hands.
Here is the truth about the Scriptures, it is true, that all a man needs to
know about the scripture are the commands of life.
To obey the commands of life, to live by the commands and to live.
He does not need to know what the Nubians used for self defense or what the
Egyptians wore; in fact all that a man and i say man in the singular, for a reason, for it is in t his time up to the man
and the individual, for him to respons, and not the masses.
All that this individual need know is how to follow the commands of life and
to live, and to live as honestly as a righteous man should live.
The commands of life are given in the Prophets, Ezekiel, Chapter 18 and 33.
These commands are the same as the commmands which Jesus spoke when the young
rich ruler ran up to him and asked what he shouyld do to attain life.
and ever lasting life.
It should be noted that those who inherit the Kingdom of God will be the ones
who follow the commands to the best of their ability.
And believe in the one who gave them, this is what the scriptures
are about, and not information to dstort the brain.
People of the Nations it should be noted at this time that the laws
of scriptures are whats important and really not much else.
The cicular World needs to adopt these laws for the sakes of inner
peace, all your Wars and you had better think and think and think again about what it is that is been said here.
All your Wars will never ever bring you peace nd thats a simple enough
equation in it self.
Bullets, bombs and Oppression will never equal Peace.
You know this is why, me and ordinary man who happens to be able to
see that the way that you are living will never bring you Peace.
Inner Peace can never not be brought about by any other means other
than sitting down and waiting for it too arrive, within your own soul.
No terrorist, No Soldier, will ever find Peace through the barrel
of a gun.
Peace can only be maintained on an individual basis, a person has
got to choose peace, and taking resposability for ones own actions and this means that everyone on the EARTH should
take responsability for their own actions and not blame the ohter person for what they have done.
Thisx is what the Book of Ezekiel is all about, it is about the individual
taking responsability for his and h er responsability, taking note of the laws in chapter 33 and 18 and seeing that there
really is only one way to Peace , and that any other way is simply an illusion and a lie, you canott attain Peace by
the Barrel of the Gun and any one that tells you that you can, is himself just a liar. Too much food will not bring you Peace,
too much sex will not bring you Peace, nor too much drink.
Peace is a balance of mindand body and Spirit, and if the concience
is up set such as in the case ofmost or all who have broken the commands, even the small commands; such as stealing small
things and trying to excuse your self.
How can a terrorist ever find Peace, when they have broken the laws
to achieve their ends or their purpose.
How can a Soldier find peace when they are used to achieve their leaders
murderous ends?
How can the Leaders ever achieve peace when they are the instigators
of War's.
When weill we ever learn to listen to what is true?
When will we realise that the Kingdom of God is within our grasp ands
within our selves and also in the future.
When Oh when?
"If you would only follow my law, then your peace would flow like
a river" God.
Here is the truth and it canott be bought, the way to Peace, the way
to peace is within a man on an individual basis, it is within every mans grasp; the Word of the Lord God.
God has created each and everyone of us with a built in method of
finding peace.
Politicians will never find the answer to Peace because the answer
to Peaceis a secret hidden within every man Woman and Child, Look for it and most importantly you must learn to ask God to
give you Peace.Ask and you will recieve do not ask and he will not bother.
He is the giver of all good gifts and it will please him to give when
he is asked., He Will judge the Warmongers, be they small or be they great, be they young or be they old.
He will judge them soon, every man can find Peace within, for it there
to be found.
You Won't find it by waiting for the rest of Humankind to find it,
for they will not find it and you will be only left to stumble and fall as they do. You will not find Peace within a Church;
for it is not there.
The Peace that you may feel in a church is the Peace within you.
Although at this stage, the peace within a Church is gone, so that
you may not find it there. If you wait around for your entire family to find Peace, then you could be waiting a long long
time, and you will loose your Peace, when you become stressed waiting for them to find Peace.
Peace can only be found by you and given by God.
Th man that canott pray will not find Peace, for if he canott do this
simple thing then he has barriers which stop him gaining peace. He needs to knowch these down and to pray.
He should not blame God for what the Church is guilty for.
If he is too proud to ask the one who created him, then forget it,
he is lost. Prayer is a form of meditation but it is more that just this, it is a way onto communication to God.So stop looking
for the ark of the covenant for it lays within the man who believes, the ark was used for communication with God, use it,
the new ark that is, prayer.
Look inside of your self and behold, the ark of the covenant is there.
If you canott believe then you must break through that hard exterior
in order to get to the ark, you have got to ask the father in the heavens humbly for this beliefe.
The method of communication is not within a church, for they are all
defiled, the only way to break through is to break through the ego that says; "Ha, a GOD in heaven, did you ever hear the
Believe and then you will believe. If you show a desire to believe
then this is the start.
There is but one way to God and this is through beliefe; you must
believe that he exists.
If you believe him then you must surly believe in the one which he
sent into the World, if that ones name stumbles you, then you have got problems.
It means that you are too proud and think that you are above this
Alot of people have been in this beliefe by the medias and T.V evangelists,
who worship the god of mammon [Money], asking people for a dollar to believe in Jesus.
They fleece their flock of every penny they have, Just like the Witnesses
of Israel.
The Peachers and the Shepards have led everyone astray, the big religions
are guilty of leading all astray.
But to blame God for their behavour is wrong. The Preachers and the
Shepards have led everyone astray, the big religions are guilty of leading all astray, by not given the people the real truth.
Why should you continue to listen to such ones when they have gone
out of their way in order to make money on the name, to make money on the name of the Christ.
True Apostles were told to go out with o nly their purses and the
clothing that they wore, not to be thinking of money.
They were to preach the good news of the Kingdom, for freed.
Why Listen to blatant liars who preach to you and ask you for
The truth is free and abundant and it does not have to be paid for,
there is not price on the truth.
The Christ said that not everyone saying Lord Lord will enter into
the Kingdom, some willl say, but did we not do many a great work in your own name' and he will say get away from me
you workers of lawlessness. .
How many People have gone out in order to kill for God, believing
in their hearts that what they were doing was for him and him alone.
How many more have gopt to die for th e furthering of causes.
America believes that it is entitled to take the Holy land, it would
appear that it is aims are to further it's own causes of democracy and financial well being, but all at the cost of more lives,
how many more lives?
Your Wars will never solve anything at all, nothing, they never have
and they never will, never.
Wars are cruel underhanded options desighned to oppress and to maime
and to cause untold devastation to millions of lives.
The last Century there was scores and score and scores of people killed
without a seconds thought, ruthlessly killed without any emotion.
How many more people have to die because our own Shepards send them
onto the battlefield. How many more?
They have been Killing now for c enturys.
And if they could, they would go on killing for another century.
And instead of consistant diplomacy they would prefer more dead bodies.
The Earth is reacting to the man made Wars that are going on from
day to day, it is not Nature but the power of God , for it was him who said that these things would take place.
What do people expect when they behave so disrespectivley towards
the Earth?
They are reaping what they have sown.
We can only expect the worst because we have treated the Earth so
You Know that it states that Quite clearlythat those who go up against
Israel in these dayswill waste away were they stand, me, I believe thisto be true, as I have seen the effects of this illness
upon People.
On the Witnesses of Israel[ Jehovahs Witnesses, and Catholicisim.
I think that it is only fairthat the people should have a chance to
be warned, that to go up against Israel's Nation is suacide.
It truly is a dangerous thing, you have never listened before so that
it is time to take it in now, the seriousness of this matter.
The Jewish Nation in this day, it was promised to them by their God
that he wouldprotect them from an incoming attack, fromn outside Nations.
So much Protection that the people who will go up agianst Israel will
drop down dead, as in the strange cases we have been witnessin of late, with the likes of military one man who just fell asleep.The
creator has got the best weapons available and will use these in order to protect his people,these are strange daysand strange
things are likley to happen.
They have spent a long time stomping out the truth from this Earth
and concealing it so that is harder and more dificult to see.
The only true way to Peace is by adopting the laws of the Christ,
the rich young ruler ran u p to him that time too ask what a man should do to attain everlasting life; Jesus answerd the man,
and quotet chapter 18 and 33 of the Prophet Ezekiel, and left it no doubt that it was by these that you can attain life.
When the young man was ot sattisfied Jesus said to him, if you wan't
to be perfect then sell all that you have and come and follow me, to which he became saddened. But this was not a condition,
that everyone must be poor what it meant was that rich men will never know what it is like to free them selves from all of
the burdens of being a rich man. What a rich man should really do is learn hgow to give to the poor, grat quantities of money,
so as to know what it is like to giive and to feel good doing this.
As much as you give, you will never be left short, because you always
have that ability to make more and more and more, so give and give and give.
But what Jesus meant was to attain life all one had to do was to follow
the laws that were written into Ezekiel, chapters 18 and 33......................................................................................................................................................................
written on this day-2nd/January/2005
'But I would hate to think of so many People been lost to such an event and if I was wrong then I would
be grateful.
And I mean this.
But Scripture repeates it self in cases such as these, plus Ezekiel was written back then about a certain
time in the future.
I was saying these things long before the 9.11 disaster, but this in it self means nothing, and also I
was saying about America resembling a great Ship and a tall Tree, when I suddently Noticed that E.Watchman who has a site
stole from me these ideas.Any way, iwas saying to a friend of mine about how i thought America was in serious trouble because
of it's arrogance before God and the way in whichi it was putting it self up above The God of Israel, and that it was bound
to suffer, so that when he came to me over the phone and told me that the 9.11 had happened I was looking at a tv through
a shop and he was ringing to tell me, as he knew my intrest in it.
I told him that this was the not what I meant, that what I meant was that the Whole of New York would be