There are a lot of good people on this earth and from what
I have seen and observed, they are screaming to get off.
People, who have had enough, people who have seen too much
in their lives.
People who have been damaged by a cold and heartless
system, which care’s only for numbers.
It cares nothing for people and the people who nurture the
system care more for it than the people who have been damaged by the beast with seven heads and ten horns, so to speak.
A monster that destroys and corrupts people from a very
early age, but those people have not only been torn asunder by a system which 'speaks as a dragon', but also a woman who has
been a prostitute for many a generation.
This Woman was little comfort
to these men and women, little comfort, and added to their pain and may even have been the first cause in their slow destruction.
This woman, she is famous and well known in all of the earth,
but she has had an uncanny ability to disguise herself to the best of her ability.
Why does she disguise her self?
The only reason being that she can survive and survive she
has for over 5.000 years maybe even more.
She has survived by devouring men and women alike; she has
survived by living off the souls of men.
She is a whore of a very different kind and her fame, well
documented throughout the Earth.
She is cold and heartless and she has seen many generations
coming and going, coming and going, coming and going.
Through the Napoleonic years as far back as the Spanish inquisitions and way beyond the Assyrian and Grecian and the
Babylonian years
She has torn the hearts of men from their chests and cried
crocodile tears pretending that she cared.
She ran with the system, she bled the countries dry of all
their life and replaced that with something ever so dark and black that crippled men and froze their hearts in a permanent
Only in the latter half of the 20th century did she begin
to falter and show signs of ageing and a senility that would expose her very crimes against humanity.
The cold Icy system and those that nurtured its surrounding
castle walls, even they begin to despise her and all that she stood for.
The Kings of the late 20th century began to turn and see
what she had done: what she had caused, and they, one and all began to devour her, and strip her of all her offending
articles of clothing, slowly they began to burn her with fire.
But before they burned her with fire, they humiliated her
in front of all of the people, one by one, they listed her crimes until the people where fully convinced of her crimes, only
then did they burn her with fire, only after all of the jeering and whistles had subsided, only then was this prophecy fulfilled.
Who is she?
And what has she done to deserve such a death?
She was guilty of murder, not one, not two, not ten, not
50, not one hundred, not even 1000 or a million but many more than that.
My name is Damien Thomas Gerard Davis.
I was born in Saint James’s Hospital in the centre
of Dublin in the blistering summer of 1966, in July the Sixth.
I was brought home to Glasnevin where my parents had a home
in Decourcey Square, Dublin 9.
But it wasn't long before we moved to Coolock, and only
for a short time before we settled in Ballymun, no: 25 Sillogue Road.
I was a snow-white haired child while the rest of the family
had brown hair or black hair.
I must surly have looked the odd one out.
My parents were both from Dublin, my mother from Old Cabra,
and my Father from Glasnevin, Decourcey Square.
They both fell madly in love and married.
But unfortunately it was not to be a happy arrangement at
all, as they where both fond of the drink.
I have one brother and one sister and a brother who passed
away only two years ago at the age of 40.
Stephen was his name; my sister is Adrienne, and my brother
My grandmother was from Meath while my grandfather was from
County Sligo, up the top of Ireland.
He joined the Irish Police force and stayed there for many
years. They had two daughter' and only one Son whom they doted on and loved very much, spoiling him.
He was a man who would bring them much grief indeed. Tom
Bill Davis, my grandfather was a genteel man, at least this
was the way I remember him when he was an elderly man of eighty years old.
A healthier man you could not meet and at eighty
he had a full head of black hair with only a few grey hairs around the edges,
Both he and she where were both Roman Catholic to the
bone and believed, and trusted in the Priest, they were two very Spiritually minded people.
They bought the house in Decourcey Square and lived there
all of their lives.
My Grandmother was a Nurse in a Hospital.
When my dad was fifteen, he got a job coach building, but
within a very short time he fell ill to the dreaded T.B.
My Grandfather who enjoyed a drink prayed to his God and
said that if God would make his Son better then he would make a pledge not to drink for the next twenty-five years.
My father got well and my Grandfather kept his side of the
deal, for twenty-five years.
During this time my father got involved with a friend who
introduced him to his first drug, Speed.
This was the drug of the time to which he became addicted
to and this in turn led to another group of drugs, Chunall and Sodium amatol, The Chunall was a sleeper to help Older people
It was a knockout drug if ever there was one.
He became engrossed in drugs and of course drink.
It's almost as if he was making up for the fact that my
grandfather was not drinking, it was as if he where drinking for the two of them.
My grandmother then bought a shop for my dad, a fruit and
veg and flower shop just there on the corner of hearts corner, or near the corner.
He got stuck into this blooming business and had a ball
with his drinking buddies.
About his time he met my mother who lived with an alcoholic
mother her self, maybe this was the foundation of her own drinking, or maybe it was a mixture of that and the troubles
she had with a Nun who persecuted her at school, by humiliating her on an every day basis.
She lamented her schooldays over and over again, and the
pain that she went through.
Drink is the ruination of many families, but usually there
are reasons for why people drink too much, One of them is the lack of life and that lack of life is brought about by a constant
barrage of either humiliation or embarrassment or some other type of pain.
My mother was put through this constant level of repetitive
pain, both from her mother and the Nun at School, the Bully of a Nun, who, in this day and age would have been sacked
if it had been one of your daughters.
My personal hatred or anger what ever you want to call it
is just one of the motivators for this book.
It's just me, a Son trying to defend his Mother, after all
if I had have been there and i seen this woman abusing my mother I would have acted as anyone would have, with anger.
Just the way anybody who loved his or her mother would have
This Woman was part of the famous Woman of which I spoke
in the opening pages of the book.
My mother and father were married in the 1950s, although
it nearly never happened, due to my father’s bad habits.
You see, my Father had this habit of bringing my mother
to bars or the pictures and then slipping outside for a quick drink.
There was one time that he brought her to the a picture
house, only to nip out for a quick drink only to end up not returning, getting pissed and leaving her there in the cinema.
This was almost the ruination of whatever it was that they
had going.
She refused to answer phone calls for days and days after
this, but my dad would not give up and continued to break down the wall that my mother had built up.
She eventually gave in and accepted his apologies, making
him swear never to do that to her again.
She loved him as he loved her.
The history of my family:
Should I continue to stay quite?
Not say a word?
Stick to what my mother used to teach us as kids?
"Don’t speak to anyone about your family business.
Should I stick to these words of wisdom?
Or should I get out what I have been keeping inside now
for many years, for so long?
The Alcoholism and drug dependency that plagued my family,
The happy pills, like Valuim and Librium, and Dalmaine,
Mogodon, which kept my family in total bondage, along with the drink.
The thing that plagued my family but many many others, dozens
and dozens of others in old Eire;
You don’t have to go too far in Ireland to see the
drinking habits that have destroyed sombre parts of the nation, not all, or at least that as the way it would appear, because
even the 'well to do' have been ravaged by the effects of drink.
Do you know why it is called the devils brew?
Because it weakens men’s spirits and leaves them open
to everything that's bad, besides the obvious like the Hallucinations, sickness bad health.
Believe me when I speak of these things, I speak from first
hand experience, not out of arrogance, for they knocked that out of me many times before, but from seeing first hand both
my parents under siege from drink and the Happy pill, Valuim.
I've seen them shake in convulsions, I have seen them, my
father mostly, been brought back from the dead by Ambulance men, who had come to know us by name.
Week after week, I would see them tear each other apart
with damming verbal and physical abuse that would make the hardest of men run.
Living with my family is just one of the reasons that I
find hard men so effing amusing, I think they are so funny, for I have yet to see a hard man fetch a basin for his mother
so he could suffer the humiliation of seeing his mothers nakedness as she drunkenly P'eed into the Basin.
There are not hard-men who have not got weak spots, which
would make them tremble where they stood.
The Human races are flesh, blood and bone, nothing more
and most of the ones in this day are without spirit.
To be held down at the age of eight years of age, in a strange
Woman’s home, by your own mother, while she tried her hardest to force you to swallow one of her Valuim, as you wept
in convulsion, is a terrifying experience, as she screamed at you to "take the pill".
I didn't take the pill, I pretended to take it, and at the
first chance that I got i ran from this wicked wicked woman whose name was Rita Davis, my mother.
Looking back at that one small incident among the many,
I see a woman trying her best to destroy a small child.
Should I remain silent, as I have done for many years and
continue to live in fear of the woman who robbed me of my childhood and even my mental faculties?
Sometimes I thank her for what she did to me, So that I
could clearly see just how ridiculous humanity is and has become, and how ridiculous the captains and the colonels, Sergeants,
Priests, Police, Bishops all are, as they destroy them selves and their families with their own man made rules in which they
have so much pride.
I see life in a very strange way,
I see their uniforms as an extension of their childhood,
which they have taken into their adulthood, in order to, play the games they once played as children.
I see them all as a farce that has to be played out to the
You can all thank my mother for the book that you read,
at least the personal aspects.
Anything to do with the God that I believe in is inspired
by him.
I think of my self as a spiritual person I have been from
a very early age.
I believed for a time and then I lost my faith at the age
of seventeen.
I cannot live in this world and not believe.
All the signs are quite clear, but only to those with open
minds and open hearts to believe.
Belief is not an easy thing; it’s easy when you first
get it but to maintain it is not easy.
The people who do not believe cannot no matter how hard
they try, they cannot bring them selves to believe.
They cannot believe that Jesus was and is the Son of God.
A lot of what I say in the following pages is my attempt
to give a witness to, as many people as possible at once, to as many people as will listen.
I was never very good at giving witness to just one person,
so that I feel that I have got to speak the only way that I know how to, and that is this way.
It is what I believe to be true.
I believe that I have a certain obligation to speak
about what I know, if I didn’t then I would be guilty of holding back what I know.
The main message that I have to give is this- leave the
church and follow what Christ thought, follow the basic commands as written in the book of Ezekiel 33 where God states
that these commands are forever, they will never ever change.
They are something that the people who want to live in the
Kingdom will have to live by if they want to stay in the Kingdom.
I don’t want to wreck anyone’s head with what
I believe, but the God that I believe in states clearly that he is one God and One God only, and that there is no other.
He is the only one who claims this, to be the one true God
and that all of the rest are a farce and a joke, they are fake and false.
He demands complete loyalty and devotion and of course,
this is not tolerated among the people of this age, but I have to say to myself, what do people really know?
They have been making a mess of it ever since it all began,
world wars one and two and three on the way.
So! I believe there is only one God.
Its just like me anyway to go against popular opinion, i
have never accepted the status quo, and the popular opinion in this day and age seems to be believe in what ever you want
to, for there are many gods.
I believe in the God of Israel, I have done for as
long as I can remember and I believe whatever he says.
There is not other God that I wish to worship, and the idea
of going to another God leaves me sick inside.
I can't do it.
And this is why I use the term "My God".
I don’t say it as if I own him but I do say it out
of a feeling of Love for him, I don’t want to turn people off by speaking about what I believe, quite the opposite.
You know! In a climate of "Keep your belief to your self",
it's next to impossible to speak of God. And I take a risk in doing so; maybe it will destroy any chance of getting into the
music thing, but what of it?
I see everyone around me, selling out and afraid to speak
out and say what is on his or her minds.
So I think I'll take the initiative.
If you wish to escape now and get away from this website,
then do so now, but I sincerely believe that it will be your own loss, For not only do I speak of Spiritual matters, but many
other things also.
This website and the words on it are a preview to the book
that I am attempting to write, I have been writing since the year 2000.
This book speaks of some personal things to do with my childhood
and the way it affected me.
When I was small. I was exposed to racial hatred, which
was really strange, because my skin was only slightly tanned, and the Davis family got some stick over their eyes, we where
called chinks.
I got into quite a few scraps growing up, which was quite
horrendous, because I am not a physical fighter.
I hated these scraps, I was only six and seven and I would
find my self always having to defend my self against these bullies hatred.
As if this was not enough, I had my parents drinking to
contend with.
The four of us did.
There were four more children but thankfully, they died
at birth.
They were spared the hell of having to deal with two parents
who should never have had kids.
The book also deals with the root causes of the drinking
that my parents used to do.
My mother’s mother had also been an alcoholic,
who embarrassed and mortified her all her young life, by bringing back people to the house when she was drunk.
In school, a Nun who held up her writing to the rest of
the class and made her feel useless day after day persecuted her.
She suffered religious persecution at the hands of a Roman
Catholic Nun.
She deserved compensation for the pain that this Nun caused,
and in turn my mother caused us pain.
And then there where the Homes, Goldenbridge, Lynden, Saint
Helena’s, and the beatings that my two brother's and my one and only sister had to endure at the hands of the Sister
I want compensation for the damage, which they inflicted
upon each one of us.
There is no way at this late stage that I am letting go.
They made my family go through hell in this country, this
so-called holy land, ha! Holy Ireland.
It was evil, which was done to us as children growing up
by these Irish Nuns who represented the "Holy Roman Empire".
In this book I will try to concentrate on my own family
that suffered, due to the Holy Pope and all of His wicked Demons.
That's all they are to me, Demons, Sinead O’Connor
was so in the right, tearing up that picture when she did, and those who mocked her, were so in the wrong, as time has told.
Those at the top of the Catholic religion may as well have
given the O.K. for all of the Child abuse that has gone down in this country by Priests and Nuns and Bishops and Cardinal's,
for this reason, they are all to blame, all of them.
These Priests should have been defrocked immediately.
But they where kept on so that they could do all the more
damage to the children of Eire.
Shame upon them all they have been judged, by the God of
Israel for all they have done and this is Prophesy in fulfilment, they are whistling at her now and jeering her.
This is Jerusalem getting what it deserves.
Jerusalem Jerusalem, Slayer of the prophets.
I curse them to their Hell for the pain they inflicted upon
my family, even though I do not believe in Hell, as it is totally unscriptural.
They made up this place called Hell, so they could manipulate
the Irish people to their own means.
It seems that it has been left up to me to say all that
I am saying.
In the following pages you will share in some of the pain
that we, as small children had to put with.
I could lay the blame Squarely at both my mother and father’s
feet, but that’s just too easy.
No! The blame, it lays squarely upon the harlot’s
feet, the Woman of which I spoke of in the opening pages of this book.
She will be revealed to you all and She deserves all that
she gets.
The judgement is for her.
This I truly believe.
The title of this book "Four little Orphan's". Seems to
be a valid title for it.
It deals of course with many other subjects besides just
the four of, but I do think that all of these matters are intertwined.
The generations of the mid sixties and early to mid seventies
have all been made so sick of what goes on upon this Earth.
They have bee fed on a diet of television, tripe on T.V.
news wars and rumours and threats of war now for too long.
They have had enough of the threats and the lies and the
deceit of the Earth's so called Leaders.
The Eighties were the most depressing years of the century.
There where times when I believed that we where going to
go on like that forever, that we where stuck in this horrible decade,
"The lost decade".
All I remember during that ten years was hearing on the
television death and death and more death, around the world and up in the North of Ireland.
Now they are trying to bring us all to annihilation, with
their mass weapons of destruction.
Where will it all ends? I ask my self.
It will end in a puff of smoke, due to mankind’s stupidity.
It seems as if they have built up their military might just
for the final battle.
Who will speak out against the War?
I just wonder, if I gave them one more warning, you know?
Tell it like it will be, you know, if they do not stop
and take serious note and stop and listen.
I wonder?
Ah but maybe not, but at least it is worth one more
I know some people will say, "Who do you think you are?"
And "What business is it of your to give us warnings?"
Peace will be attained if all of Humanity realise that everyone
must lay down his or her weapons, everyone, and not just one single group.
I know that these people will say but is not your business
to give us warnings...
But you see it is my business, I have been reading scripture
since I was young, I happened to come across a very strange thing which seems to allude to this very time.
The Prophet Ezekiel mirrors exactly a lot of what is happening
The Prophet him self was a Priest who was told to tell the
House of Israel that they presumed two errors in Gods name.
And for doing this they where told that they would be publicly
The Prophet was given orders to write about, in Dirge, [a
drone of a song]
Satan, Pharaoh of Egypt, the City of Tyre, and The Prophet
was told to prophesy upon strings as they had done many times before.
Egypt in Ezekiel mirrors exactly to a tee the biggest nation
upon the Earth right now, for one it is built up by many out side nations who also live there.
Tyre, the city in Ezekiel is a replica of the city of New
It is described as a great trading city with a mast of red
and blue thread.
There are many likenesses to America and its proud City.
So I write from observation, if the Lord is speaking of
an Egypt in the end days.
I know that no one enjoys speaking of such things, but you
cant continue to ignore that the World is in the hands of the destroyers who are on the verge of mass self destruction.
We have to at least take into consideration that maybe,
just maybe the book of Ezekiel is not speaking of a literal Egypt, but the last nation on the Earth, because the prophet speaks
of it as a Tree in the last days.
This is the reason why I have written a song comparing America
to Egypt.
Because of its arrogance and pride, it is just like
that of the old Egypt.
The Lord would never call the last great nation by its known
It is only obvious that he would compare it too Egypt, The
last great nation arrogant in its own eyes.
Why do I feel the need to tell you all this?
Maybe it will save lives, I don’t know why really,
but I know that I cannot ignore these things that I have observed and disclosed.
Every time I have tried to put it away and say no! I am
not writing about any of this again.
Every time I have suffered within my own soul.
It is though I where in some way programmed to speak about
things I speak.
But that sounds cold, but it is the only way that I
can explain what it is that I am trying to say.
The Earth is in a mess, is there any way or anything that
can be done about its brokenness?
I wonder!
We are beginning to loose control.
But why are we?
The answer- because Love has flown, Love has grown cold.
The Love of the many has cooled.
It's that simple, the Love that used to be so abundant is
just not there.
The World would not be in the condition that it is in if
it where not for the lack of love.
The acts of terrorism are wrong, they are not acts of Love,
and they are acts of hate.
The East and the West are without Love, real love that prohibits
such unlawful acts.
These are against God, even if they are done in the name
of God, they are wrong.
Real Love that speaks to an individual to say, I don’t
want to kill another person and I don’t want to get revenge, I don’t want to feel this I'll at ease, the ill of
ease that belongs to hate.
Gods Love does not belong with this hate, which permeates
the Earth.
I believe that I Have a duty to speak of what I know, if I
did not, then I would be guilty of holding back what I believe to be true.
The main message that I have to give is this;
Leave the Church, because God no longer resides there.
Leave the Church and follow what Christ thought, Love your
neighbour as your self.
Follow the commands as written down in the prophet Ezekiel.
Were God states that these commands are for eternity.
I Believe in the God of Israel and I believe what ever he
say's, now while some of you may say, but that's childlike to believe what ever he says.
I say, No its just trust after seeing what he can do and
see what he has achieved in this universe.
There is no other God that I wish to worship and the
idea of going to another God leaves me feeling sick inside.
I can't do it.
This is why I use the expression "My God".
I don’t say it as if I own him, but I do say it as
a feeling of love for him.
I truly mean it; he is the only God that I can trust in
this most untrustworthy World.
The idea of worshipping any other God other the one, which
I do Worship, would be like an act of worshipping the opposer of God, I don’t want to turn people off by speaking about
what I believe, quite the opposite.
You know, in a climate of such disbelief and "keep your
beliefs to your self," it's next to impossible to speak of God. And I take a risk in doing so.
Maybe it will destroy my career as a musician, but what
of it.
I see everyone else around me selling out afraid to
speak out about what is on his or her minds.
So I think I'll take the initiative.
If you wish to escape now and get away from this web site,
then do so now, but I warn you it will be your own loss.
For I not only speak about Spiritual matters, but also personal
ones too.
This website is a preview of the coming book that will be
most likely published at some later stage.
I have been writing these things since the year of 2000.
The book speaks about some personal stuff to do with my
And also, the way in which affected me growing up in Catholic
Holy Ireland.
When I was small I was open to racial hatred, which was
really strange because I was only mildly tanned.
I got into a few scrapes growing up, which was quite horrendous,
because I am not a physical fighter at all.
I hated these scraps, I was only six or seven and I would
find my self having to defend myself from these bullies hatred.
And as if that wasn't enough, I had parents who where drinking.
I had that to contend with.
The four of us did.
There where four more except they died at birth, they were
spared the hell of having to endure what we had to endure.
Living with two people who should never have had kids.
The book also deals with the root cause of alcoholism, the
alcoholism that my parents had.
My mother’s mother had also been an alcoholic, who
embarrassed and mortified her all of her young life, by bringing people back to the house when she was drunk.
In School, she, my Mother was persecuted by this Nun who
held up her work to ridicule and made her feel useless day after day.
She suffered religious persecution at the hands of the Roman
Catholic Religion, with their Nuns.
She deserved compensation for the trouble that this demon
caused to her health, her mental state of mind was the way that it was because of this bitch and her Mother, and the inability
of all of these so called educators of the System who failed to see her plight, with having to endure alcoholism in the home,
and then come into School to this mad bitch.
I suppose you could say that I am getting some kind of revenge
on those who persecuted my mother, The Roman Catholic Religion.
This Nun caused my mother trouble and in turn our mother
caused us nothing but grief.
And I want the Pay back that’s due from this religion.
We as children ended up in Home’s as kids, Home’s
that our Grandmother would put us into...Goldenbridge, Lynden, ST.Heleanas.
The beatings that my brothers received at the hands of these
bastard Nuns destroyed them too.
I want compensation for the damage that was inflicted on
each one of us as children.
There is no way that at this late stage that I am letting
it go, no way.
Somebody made a comment on this site already, saying there
was too much sadness and hate, dam right there was, but the hate didn’t come from me or my family, but from these people
who hated us and was out to destroy us one by one, do you really think now at the age I am that I am going to let these people
get away with what they did to my family.
Sometimes I feel like exploding with Violence inside me
over what was done to us as kids.
They should be made to pay for the damage that they did.
They have made my family go through hell, dam right that
there is too much sadness and hate on this site, it wasn't you people who had to endure this sadness at the hands of my family
and the sadness that my people where made go through in this God forsaken country, HOLY Joe country.
If I was the type to use language, then the site would be
covered in it because that's how damaged that I feel that I am because of their abuse on us.
My family suffered at the hands of the Holy Pope and all
of his demons, and I can call him that, because I have scripture to back me up, when it single-handedly condemns the Catholic
Religion that you all so lovingly cling to, the God of Israel who has blatantly condemned this religion in the Book of
revelation's Chapter 17 and 18.
Go and look your self and do the wise thing and leave her...........
They have made my family go through hell in this country,
But in this book I will try and mainly concentrate on my
own family.
You know Sinead O’Connor was right tearing up that
picture when she did, and those who mocked her were so in the wrong, as time has told.
Those at the top of the Catholic Religion may as well have
given the O.K for all of the Child abuse that has gone down in this country, by priests who should have been defrocked immediately.
But they have been kept on in order to do more and more
I curse them for all of the pain that they put my brothers
and sister through.
It seems as though it has been left up to me to say all
that I am saying.
In the following pages you will share in some of the pain
that we as small children had to put up with.
I could lay the blame squarely on both of my parents, but
that's just too easy.
No. The blame lays with the Catholic Church and those who
did not help in our ordeal, only made it worse by given my parents all kinds of drugs.
No the blame lays squarely on the Woman that I spoke of
at the outset of this Introduction.
The title of this book "four little orphans".
It seems like a valid enough of a title for this book.
It deals of course with many other subjects besides just
the "four of us" as children, but I do think that these subjects are all intertwined.
The generations of the mid sixties and early to mid 70s have
been made sick of what goes on upon this earth.
They have been fed on a diet of television, tripe on TV,
They have had enough of the threats and the lies and the
deceit of Earths Kings.
The 80's were the most depressing period of the century.
There were times I believed that we where going to remain
forever in that depressing decade.
All I remember during that ten years was hearing on the
TV, death and destruction, where will it all end?
I ask my self.
It will all end in a puff of smoke for sure, if it
does not stop.
Death and more Death, around the World, up the North of
Now they are trying to bring us to the brink of destruction.
It seems like they have built up their military might just
for the end, for the final battle.
Who will speak against the wars?
I wonder, does it matter at all who speaks out, because
it would appear that they never ever listen anyway.
I just wonder if I gave one more warning, you know, tell
it like it will be, if they don’t stop and take note and stop and listen, I wonder? And I wonder again?
Ah maybe not, but it at least it is worth a try. No?
I know that some people will say, sure what the hell concern
is it of yours?
What business is it of your to give us warni8ngs.
Again I repeat my self like a parrot, Peace can only be
attained worldwide if every living Human should abandons his weapons of destruction, Everyone, not just one single group.
It would seem the nations are on a warpath from which they
cannot get off.
Their eyes are on the now, they cannot afford to thing of
the future, that’s too far away for these people, and yet if we don’t think of the future..........
All of Humanity is defiled say's the Lord Of Israel, who
is prepared to come back to me, who is prepared to look towards my Son,
The Earth it would seem is melting away and the elements
burning up.
Who can repair this?
No man can ever put back together what he has torn asunder.
Who can possibly fix a hole in the sky?
Who among humanity can possibly fix what seems to have been
Who among you can stop the elements from burning up?
AS BIG AS MANS ACHIEVEMENTS ARE, there is none among them
who can fix the Sky.
And the rivers, How can you clean the rivers and the Sea?
When greed of the businessmen will not allow for such radical change.
And their motto, live for today for Tomorrow we will be
How can you clean up an Earth with this attitude?
They do not and will not live for the protection of the
Ezekiel, the Priest
I have been reading scripture now for as long as I can remember
remembering, and I don’t fear the Scriptures, except that I do fear the future that it speaks about.
The Prophet Ezekiel mirrors to a tee many of the images
and things which are happening today, in the here and now.
The Prophet himself was a Priest and a very righteous man,
who was in the old times, sent out to speak to the house of Israel about what they had done on God, on their idolatry, and
the way that they put all of the works of their own two hands ahead of his Justice.
They even started putting the nations first and wanting
to look good in their eyes, They where more than likely boasting about their works and how great they where.
The Prophet according to the book was a Writer of Dirges;
a dirge is a drone of a song about depressing times ahead.
They are warnings of impending doom and gloom.
He was given the order by God him self, what was he to do?
Ignore them?
No I’m afraid he could not do this, as the God of
truth when he want something done he gets it done.
So there was a threat put on the prophet, that if he did
not do as he was told that he would die.
That he would simply die.
What was he to do only carry out what his God was asking
of him?
The EARTH, she is in a mess, is there anything that can
be done to fix its brokenness, I wonder?
Feed the hungry, as it clearly states in scripture, feed
the hungry and clothe the poor, you witnesses of Jehovah and you Catholics and Protestants of the earth.
And stop listening to the elders like robots, the elders
who give you directions in falsehood.
Start asking questions about the lies that you are constantly
been told.
I know first hand of the unwillingness of people to give
those who have money, I mean i have seen the ones who have no money give without a second thought.
So World Poverty is down to us here on Earth, it is our
responsibility entirely.
God is blameless as is his SON.
It human beings who have left other human’s to suffer
terrible hunger on Earth.
They make their brothers suffer needlessly they don’t
have to suffer in these countries not if those of us who are in a position to give only give.
It would not surprise me in the least if caused the stress
that we go through on a day-to-day basis, you know guilt has an uncanny knack of stressing people, and the World is in a worldwide
While we get fatter and fatter and die from heart attacks
they are dying from hunger.
Is this fair?
It is making us sick, it is making the Americans sick and
that is for sure.
You only have to look at these people to know they are affected
by guilt.
They are a really warped race, with their overweight and
obese nation, their pursuit of happiness thing it does not work at all.
Hundreds of hearts of stone and hearts of steel.