List of contents

Witnesses part four

Stay away from Israel, you Nations, says Jehovah of ISRAEL.
Index page
News from The Watchman Of Ephraim
Damien Davis on CPU Irish Music website
E watchman
Proofe to E.wWatchman of how long I have been writing before he stole from me
Their minds have been shut down.
They love to publish.
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
part five
Part seven
Part eight
Part nine
Part ten
Last part
God Speaks
Why do they insist on telling us lies?
The Nations
America in Exile for 40 year?
The Battle of the last great Egypt
New York is Down
Old Web page with Downloads
When Religion is gone, what then?
individual resposability
Naturaul Israel
Gigs info
Hearts of stone
Lyrics and music
The reaons for the book
more of the book
If only
Why the Law
The Lonley Lark
Shillington's Party
goodbye friend
The night before
What am I to do?
Tsunami Comment
blog 2


Part four 

But they carried on this presumption making it into a lie, and the people who continued to go to them were the inquirer of that lie.

God cannot, tell a lie, it is more possible for the whole of creation to up and fly away that for him to tell a lie. So the house of Israel, who can only be the Jehovah’s witnesses presumed these two presumption’s all on their very own, God was no were in sight of these two princes of Israel when they made their presumption’s, and if God was no were in sight then were does that leave him, the first one to tell the lie.

It leaves him the presumer of a lie. And it left the organisation to carry on the lie, in the intimate group of their people and it left the people the inquirer of the lie and it also left them wasting away in their own error, just as God say’s in the prophet’s.

They are literally rotting away, I know it sounds terrible but that’s what is happening to them, they are wasting away in the lies that they told in 1925 and 1975. That’s how serious it is to lie in the name of the God of truth; you can’t do it and get away with it, no way. The God of Israel is as serious as life and death; he is not to be played with.

The error that the first prince told, the Jehovah’s witnesses carried on with this lie, they should never have done this, they should have walked away and never come back.

I know that the Jehovah’s witnesses are sick because of this lying. They are depressed, physically and emotionally wrecked all because they continue to stand by the one’s who stand by the lie.

If they don’t walk away after hearing this warning then they will truly know what sickness is.

They will continue to waste away in their error as Ezekiel has said, this is no joke, it is happening and the people should test the inspired expression one more time, if they don’t as I have said they will know what sickness is.

I have heard the witnesses complain of every illness there is, from stomach problems to head problems to depression and emotional problems and when I was there I felt the same dead feelings. It is not through any form of attack or hatred or grudge that I put these words across to the Jehovah’s witnesses, but only out of a desire to please my God. I first came across my God when I was only 12, 13. The first time a witness knocked at my door was when I was 26 or so. I have been a spiritual being for a very long time and I crave the truth I don’t crave lie’s, I crave to know the truth. So on I go with what I write, by the way, every thing that I have written up to this point is probably all you need to know about the Jehovah’s witnesses but I have been writing now for about three year’s or soon the subject of the down fall of religion and it’s cause of confusion throughout and the war’s that it has caused on this the only planet that we have. I also believe first and foremost in the son of man, Jesus Christ, I believe that the kingdom that his father has given to him will one day be and I recognise him as king. The father has given him complete authority over the nation’s, even in this the Jehovah’s witnesses have got it wrong when they say, announcing Jehovah’s kingdom, because it is a fact that Jehovah has given the earth to his son, for him to rule as king, he has the right to rule the earth and when he has completed the kingdom then he will hand it over to his father. Israel knows this. It is even in scripture as plain as any thing when it says come my son and I will give you the nation’s as your inheritance, so the king of the kingdom will not be Jehovah as they blindly miss, but it will be his divine son who sacrificed his life for the chosen one’s.

Why can they not see this? They go on about it enough when they say that Jesus will rule the kingdom, they can’t have it both way’s, you know. How do they over look this, the Son of man will smash the nations when he smashes them like a potters vessel, it’s there in scripture, plainly written down so that not even the house of Israel can miss it. This Jesus whom you crucified, as it say’s in Romans, I think it is, but it does say it. The Jehovah’s witnesses are the house of Israel and they have blown it once again, they have become just as famous as their forefather’s before them, the house of Israel from a long long time ago, from the time of Jesus and from the time before that, the ones who were taken out as a people


