Who are Jehovah’s witnesses?
Do they take their name from the prophet Isaiah?
Do they take their name from the chapter in the prophet Isaiah,
were God is addressing the house of Israel, his chosen people?
Are the Jehovah's witnesses the house of Israel?
Let’s see.
Will the chosen one’s always be known as the house of Israel?
Yes, because they are called the house of Israel right up until
the ‘end of time’ and after the end of time.
Is Gods rebuking to the {house of Israel} in the prophet Ezekiel
anything to do with the last days?
If the rebuke to his people is to do with the last days, then
who are his people?
An organisation, using Jehovah's name?
Would an organisation using Gods name, which is sacred, be known
as {the house of Israel?}
Yes it would have to be.
Because he will never ever be separated from the house of Israel.
Are the Jehovah’s witnesses taking on the [house of Israel’s]
identity by taking their name from this chapter, in Isaiah?
And Is God, when he says, “you will be witnesses of mine”,
says Jehovah, in the prophet Isaiah, is he speaking to the house of Israel?
So who are the ones in the prophet Ezekiel, which we know, has
to do with the last days, the ones who are called the house of Israel?
Lets see now, it stands to reason that
they would have to be the same……….except in these times….