the website E watchman is so honest then why is it so hard to get to answer back on his message board?
there is n o smoke without Fire.
you have been accused of stealing ideas from other People before, then why?
my old messages, which I put on, your Board have long since gone, Evidence destroyed.
First message I sent to your site was at least two years old.
ask the Holy Spirit to bear Witness for me.
information that you put on your website about Tyre was only put there some months ago.
Information that is on my site has been there at least two years, in on e form or another, and most Importantly,
who do you say that t
is; you say it it’s likeness is to London or America. Wrong on Both counts.
it's Likeness is only to New York, a specific City and the Country that Holds it resembles a great Nation, The City New York,
it resemble les Tyre.
Nation of America, it resembles Egypt, this is I believe what the Holy Spirit is saying.
the Lord of Israel is Judging Pharaoh in the final, through the Prophet in Dirge.
it is not therefore a case "Prophet puts rival Prophet out of Business" as one of your guests put's it on your web page, Because
y you are no Prophet, but a man who is dishonest, for if you had any truth in you with regards this matter, then you would
not have barred me from your message board, by E.MAILING ME TO SAY i WAS NO LONGER WELCOME ON IT.
you were a man of truth then you would have welcomed the discussion, with no fear and nothing to hide and me.
have it totally wrong when you compare Tyre to London or America a, for it is neither.
as Egypt has been called back to its birthplace to be brought down low by God.
when your guests call me a Brother, they are saying that I am one of them, a Witness of Israel.
am not and nor have I ever been a Witness.
did study with them for a time but never commited my self to this Institute as I knew there was something amiss.
were sick and depressed, Siacidal, had Stomach Pains, headaches, and many other maladies or other such symptoms.
was then I realised that they were indeed under Judgement, when I came across their very strange symptoms, which I began to
expieriance my self.
reason? because they have made their two famous errors, by which the Nations have them in a harness.
Elder's are Wasting away and so are the People who are Inquiring of the Lie, they too are Wasting away because they are the
Inquirers of the Lie that these Elders have carried on in God's Most Holy Name.
the things that I have Written on my web page 'Rantings is an insult to the God of Israel as it is he who says that a People
who would Lie in his Name would indeed waste away under Judgement, hence the reason for the sudden suicides among the People.
have carried on a lie in the Intimate group pf Gods People.
my Friend are a Liar and are also a professed Jehovah's Witness, who are among the greatest Liars on Earth, who have Lied
in the Name of the one God who say's that he cannot Lie.
are among a group of Liars, so that you have become one, it has become easy for you to lie.
you conceal the truth for long enough, you become good at concealing it.
they are all liars who have Lied in God's Name, so that I will nevcer be called a Brother or one of these People, for I will
not be called one of these Witnesses of Lie's, which you are.
am Formally calling all of Jehovah's Witnesses Liars, every were, for they have carried on two lies in the Most high's Name.
and 1975.
your face E.Watchman and stop hiding from the People, give them a Picture at least and stop with all of your mystery.
are Like Great Babylon and you are like the Witnesses.
their images upon their walls, of Wild Beasts, and creeping things all designed to make the People be in awe of them.
upon their walls, Idolatry, tours to Brooklyn, Idolatry, taking from the Widow and the Orphan's, Money for building temples,
Idolatry, all of it.
again E.Watchman at the Prophet Ezekiel, for he too could write a song, for he is given strict instructions by His God to
strike up dirges, get the point?
did you last write a song?
are in the time of the Prophet in Dirge, a very serious time and with all of these things happening in the Middle East, i
should say the timing in perfect for such.
that this is not a battle between Prophets, as I do not take part in Battles, Ezekiel was and is one singular Prophet, just
as the Prophets were before him, Isaiah Jeremiah, e.t.c.
were all used by the Lord Jehovah for one particular purpose in mind, to rebuke the Nations and to tell them were they going
wrong and to tell of the on set of doom to give Gods law which differs greatly from mans law.
you prophesy, you cannot say that it is London and America, it has got to be either one or the other, and now what I have
said about New York is about New York and no other City.
day I pray for guidance in what I am saying from the true giver of Wisdom, the Lord of Israel, through his Son, the Lord Jesus
I have stated God is specific in Prophecy and it has been two thousand years since h is Son came to this Earth in order to
make the people there in it believe that he was who he said that he was, The Son of Man, and the one sent by God.
did not believe then and they do not believe now, except for a few.
do we go from here?
continue to wait for the one who is expected to do as he said he would do in this time.
faith; cultivate it as best you can.
not give up on Hope;
clearly at his teachings and know that the time is short and the seasons are right.
there will be no more delay.
you see the armies encamped around Jerusalem, know that the end is near.