gig in the international bar this monday night 9'o clock and every
monday night....
and every tuesday night in the halfpenny bridge bar.............
and the gubu bar most thursdays after nine
and now in the Pale every WEDENSDAY up by Christ Church[Molloy's] Another singer songwriters
night to be enjoyed.
And also in Eamon Dorans in Temple bar most Monday nights
Gig in eustice street in the Temple bar area
IN the I.F.I
Damien plays a gig with a whole host of entertainers, musicians and comedians.
Damien closes the show.
Gig in the International on monday 9.00.....
Gig on tuesday night at 9.30 Halfpenny bar
also at the pale on wedensday noght 9.30
There is a gig on the 25th of March with Chris Morrin, it promises to be a good one as he
launches his new C.D.
There will be a couple of guests also, Damien Davis, Matthew Deveruex and yo adrian
Mother redcaps
A gig on the 19th of this month April on Exchequer Bar around the corner from
dunnes stores on Georges street.
With myslf as Guest, so if any of you are interested come along.................
Damien Davis
Gig in Mother redcaps this sataurday with Eddie Naessans, Gary Jones, 8.30....................