List of contents
Contains the reasons for the web and an out line on Who the House
of Israel are. Messageboard and An Album Cover that will be usaed in the future/Wikipedia credits. scriptures that support what I am saying etc..
A revealing of who Babylon The great really is.
The House of Israel say they are the religions of the world, I agree, but the main
part has to be The Vatican Catholic and Prodestant. THE TWO MAIN SISTERS IN EZEKIEL.
Those who use Gods Holy name/Jehovahs Witnesses and the Jewish nation.
An Explanation on the Jehovahs Witnesses and their identity with their double
errors.1925 and 1975
A few Scriptures revealing their/The Witnesses, double error.
This I believe is Inspired writings to the House of Israel in these times, he [GOD]
said that he would judge them in the last days.
This is Writings on the new Pharaoh whom GOD also said that he would bring into the
desert and fight him there and bring him and all of his warriors, the best dressed men in History, down for been arrogant.
And for saying that he is God, Pharoah will compare him self to God, but the
real God states that he is nothing but a man as God will take him down and proove that he is just that, a man.
This is similar to what happened way back when in Egypt God asked Pharaoh to let his
People GO, "let my People go" Pharaoh hardens his heart and then God hardens pharaohs heart, so that there is no going back
for this arrogant King.
This one is there for the oil, the gold of the earth.
This is telling you about the downfall of the Last tree, which represents the Final
Know that Egypt is likened to America.
The time has come were each one of us here on the earth must take resposability.
New York is in danger according to Gods Word.
Speaks for it self.
to what i am trying to say and do.
Why the hungry go hungry and what people can do to help.
What will the people do whne they are told to leave religion?
They will go into spiritual exile, it is up to them to go and look for the real spiritual
truth, now.
Self explanatory.
The Album cover
and its likeness to the City of New York
Bush and His Likeness to Pharaoh and all American Presidents.
and its likeness to America, the great tree.
The childrens Home and its problems.
if only we had listened to the true GOD, THEN WHAT?