The Spiritual side of me suffered for a time, it seemed like it was gone, until I came across the
house of Israel.
It was about the fourth year of my relationship with my Girl, Judy.
I happened to come across their tracts and said, this is it, this is were my God is, BOOM, bad mistake.
I considered these people , because they had attached them selves to the name of My God, Jehovah.
They had to be the House of Israel or part of IT.
Within three weeks of been with them in knew that there was something wrong and very wrong, but I
could not put my finger on what it was.
They were shut down, which I will explain in a lter part of the website.
Athought occured to me while they were in my house, these people were too fond of words and books,
they have too many books, it should not take that many books to get a simple message across o the people.
The first signal was basically when I met them for the first time, two Witnesses called to my door
after we had decided to call them out, they came in and one of them asked what it was that we wanted, in an abrupt tione of a wa that actually bugged me.
it was not what he had saidn but the way that he had said it, like he did not want his very prescouis
time wasted.
The second signal was when he came along with his wife.
After a tense meeting of an hour, he say's to me, I'm really looking foward to the up in coming assemblie.
This is an assemblie that they hold for a mrathon three days.
H eproceeded to say, I really need the spritual food, you know, he really sounded sad and desparate.
He asked if we would like to come along to this meeting.
We did, this one lasted three hours and Jude fell asleep, it was the most boring and dead thing I
had ever been a part of.
There were many there in their suits and their ties.
The House of Israel |

They are judged as having lied in Gods name, Jehovah. |
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The Future? |

that makes everyone put their lives on hold. |
- They Love to Publish
- Hosea, 10/10, this is the scripture that catches those who have taken the divine name as their own.
- Their double guilt
are the two wrongs they spoke of in 1925 and 1975, they have built up for them selves altars
and temples by which they worship that which is before their faces...Their books which they love to publish.
- The books that
they take so much pride in have caused them to stumble and fall many times, because of all of their reading and their studying
and intellectualism, they overlook that which is essential...The ten basic commands, these are what they overlook, this
is what scripture is indeed all about, the ten basic commands and the believe and the acceptance of his Son, Jesus
Christ, the anointed one.
- If you accept
him and his basic teaching's then you will be abiding by that which the eternal father wants you to follow and abide by.
- Believe in my Son
and follow my commands, this is what the prophet Ezekiel, in 18 and 33 is all about, this is why they are so important.
- The God of Israel
repeatedly states that this is what it is all about, he says that these laws are eternal and that they will always
be and that they will never ever change and that man must abide by these commands to be seen as righteous, he must not rely
on his own idea of right and wrong, because he will always get it wrong.
- Look, this is
why I have gone to all of this pain and trouble, in order to get you to at least try and see that the right way is recorded
in the scriptures and that they have all got it wrong out there and that is the reason for so much confusion on this Earth.
- Catholicism has
hidden the real spiritual truth from you all and in so doing has deceived you all into a dying condition.
- Don’t you
see how serious this really is?
- If man attains
towards Gods rules and not his own because his own do not contain any life, but the God of truth, his rules do contain the
- So, that anyone
who follows his laws, he will have life and continue on living.
- Anyone can see
that not paying back what you have borrowed is wrong, and if you fail to do this simple thing then it will lay heavy on your
mind until it is paid back, it will drag your thinking down.
- If you owe a collection
of debts, then your mind is not at peace, because you are all the time thinking about debts, so tell me people how can this
be healthy for the mind, you can see the reason behind the command and that it is there for your benefit.
- Debts are bad
news, so it’s best to follow the rule and pay back what you have borrowed so as to release you from the stress that
it puts you under when you are in debt.
- So it’s
best to stay ahead and to buy the things as you go, in order to keep away from this stress, which will kill you in the end.
- Heart attacks
are supposedly brought on by too much stress, the stress of being in debt is incredible and will more than likely kill you.
- This is how God
is trying to protect people, it's simple reason and the rest of the commands are there for your benefit also, the one about
stealing is reasonable enough.
- Do not steal is
also there for you, I mean the trouble that stealing can lead to, is at this stage, universally known, prison is no place
for the human mind, to be there is not much fun.
- Becoming institutionalised
and wanting to actually be in prison is not healthy at all in fact it’s bordering on the insane.
- The commands where
put in place for you, all you have to do is to realise that fact and take it on board as part of your life.
- All the small
sins that people feel guilty for on a day to day basis, only you know what these are, these can be forgiven when you believe
in Jesus, He is the perfect guilt offering, he is the cleanser from all guilt, and every man feels guilt for one thing or
- For as it is also
universally known at this stage, he came into the world in order to forgive man of his sins.
- There is no more
need for a priest since they are the ones in need of confession, the only place people can go now if they want forgiveness
is into their secret rooms to ask the father above for forgiveness, and the thing regarding the Blood is essential, for just
as the Jews used to have to kill two sparrow and kill bulls as sacrifice so the Christ is needed for the forgiveness of Sins
and Guilt.
- Because you know
even the small sins can weigh heavy on the minds of people, people can be cool and try to deny it and say no they don’t
bother them, but the fact is they do bother them, its psychology.
- Guilt is a strange
thing, we are all guilty and in need of forgiveness and this is one of the reasons for prayer, this is why prayer is so valuable.
- A
great power your dealing with
- The God of Israel is not to be played with,
his power is terrific and his presence awesome, he can destroy and build up anything that he pleases.
- He can Kill and Rise up again as he so chooses.
- He demands Glory for his Son and his
Son shall have His Glory.
- The God of Israel, both fearsome and terrible
in power and strength has judged these People The house of Israel, with a wasting Illness,
- It is no joke at all that the person of whom
I know, hung himself because of this very fact, the fact that he was suffering from a wasting illness,
- He was born into this institute, this Young
man who died from the sufferings of a wasting illness
- It is very serious that these people are fading
away from Idolatry.
- Some People have come out from this organisation
and it is certainly no joke that that some people, are falling prey to a type of Schizophrenia, except that it is not really
this illness but a wasting illness that would bare the very same hallmarks of this illness.
These People are
not going to like what it is that
I am saying, but the God of Israel is the
one who said that he would offend many a people’s heart in this day.
The Witnesses of Israel have added to the burden
of the children.
With their false things and demands.
1. Don’t read anything outside the Organisation,
or outside the doctrine of the House of Israel, and do not read anything that says anything derogatory about the Witnesses
of Israel.
And yet it states clearly that a man must continue
to test if he is in the truth or out of it.
2. Don’t read books that have certain themes and
yet they do, they break their own laws. But these laws they make have nothing to do with God.
They continue to add to the official law.
3. Listen to fine Music, that you
would imagine God would approve of, Like Classical music.
4. Don’t go to films that have certain themes and don’t buy videos that say anything negative about
You know the entire Book of Ezekiel is speaking about these People, so you don’t necessarily
have to go out side of the Book in order to see what they have and are doing wrong, they are well known to God in the book.
5. You must keep your house clean and tidy for the Princes and the Lords of the House of Israel.
Keep your body clean also.
I don’t need words and more words, don’t
you know that this is exactly what you have become, a lover of words, Israel.
And a believer in words, but words is as useless as
the page on which they are written.
just keep adding to your words and Gods words at all of your assemblies were you make your people weary with all of you different
and complex definitions of your words, taking away from true spirituality, you actually bore the people to such an extent
that they switch of and do not listen any more.
You are a stumbling block to your very own people, but
they themselves are to blame because they have gone following after a lie.
You have lied and this you cannot do without calling
your own God a liar, and his name is what I am here for to defend, the God that you have slandered.
You have added to what Jesus said for your own benefit
and your own reasons.
You do not allow the ordinary people to drink the blood
and eat the Body of the Christ and so they perish and waste away in their error.
There is no life without doing this and you have deceived
the people into not taking it.
1 The word of the Lord came to me: 2 "Son of man, prophesy against
the prophets of Israel who are prophesying. Say to those who prophesy out of their own imagination: Hear the word of the Lord!
3 This is what the Lord God says: Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit and have seen
nothing. 4 Your prophets, Israel, are like jackals among ruins. 5 You did not go up
to the gaps or restore the wall around the house of Israel so that it might stand in battle on the day of the Lord. 6 They
see false visions and speak lying divinations. They claim: [This is] the Lord's declaration, when the Lord did not send them,
yet they wait for the fulfillment of [their] message. 7 Didn't you see a false vision and speak a lying
divination when you proclaimed: [This is] the Lord's declaration, even though I had not spoken?
To the elders of Israel;
You have kept your own laws while forgetting the Lords, you have loved your publications and put these first, bragged
about your temples to the nations, when they did not even care.
You have claimed to be Jews by taking Gods name as your own and with that name you used it too gain voluntary offerings
from widow after widow and made your my people sick inside.
Your elders forbade the people to drink the bread and wine; keeping them in spiritual death, you: You the
people of my God have continued on in your sin, in your dual error, you have carried these two errors on in the intimate
group of the people of Israel.
You have caused people to die, when your Pioneers walked into a married mans house and robbed his wife had a child
by her, when they, the married couple were still married, and when the man that had his wife taken from him by one of your
pioneers later killed him self.
The lie, which you cling to and have built upon, has disgraced Gods Holy name.
You have failed to sanctify the most Holy name in favour of making it a mockery, something to be scoffed at among
the nations.
You People would have not been able to do this if you had not carried on in your two presumptions the two errors
by which the nations have you in a harness.
I the Lord Jehovah Your God Shall sanctify my great name among the Nations.
Why should you Oh Israel continue on in your Idolatrous ways, but choosing the love of words and
choosing to bow down before the temples that you have built with your two hands.
You Oh Israel continue on in your errors by boasting that you can build up in three days a temple
to the Lord.

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