The Word of the God of Israel Towards the land of Israel.
And what of Israel?
If the Kings are Judged and religion along with the ones who have profained The Holy Ones Name, along
with the King of Tyre, What of Israel?
Woe onto Ariel from the city of David, who has relied on the leader of America, the greater Egypt.
Woe onto Ariel and the smaller Nations who have relied upon the last of the Pharaoh's who has been
leader of the Nations.
When all these Nations relied on this great Tree [Nation]
When it falls all of those who have relied upon its strenght were left without a covering, when this
great Nations ecenomical wealth has failed.
When the City was lost, their econemy laboured and with that all the Nations feel it's devastation.
Why Oh Why Ariel have you relied upon the greater Pharaoh and not upon youre God, why have you not
listened to youre God Ariel.
Look how you were taken out from the land of Egypt all those years ago, Look how the Lord youre God,
with a strong arm led your fore fathers out of Egypt to a fair land and look Ariel how you continue in bondage to Pharaoh;
are you free Ariel from your idols, Oh you back slidin Nation?
Remember how your fore fathers rebelled against me in the desert?
and still you are slaves to Egypt, even in this late day.
Have you rebelled against youre God Ariel?
Over and over again Israel you have gone astray and now!
So many Nations are against you Israel, in the land of Israel.
and you are relying on Pharaoh to protect you Israel., why do you make the LORD youre God Jealous,
were you not told I am a jealous God.Why Oh Why do you constantly deny youre Father in the heavens?